I would be willing to do most types of RP, If you are interested please PM me, although i am looking for mature partners, i am willing to work on a few separate RP's at once, i am very active and hope anyone who would like to apply is as well, thanks! (Some stuff i will do: ) -Alien/Human -Zombie apocalypse -Hunter/Beast (Perhaps shapeshifter or something like a witch :D) -Princess/Slave -Wild west -Superheroes (one or both) -Fantasy realm -Assassin/Target -And lots more, i may even consider fandoms. (Would like a few dark themed ideas) Standards: -Please be active, i only RP with fairly active RPers, it enhances the experience. -Please be mature (18+), i do enjoy mature character interaction, violence and gore. -I RP casual - high casual, please do the same. -I only RP males, considering the fact that i am male, no exceptions, sorry. -Please have good spelling and grammar, it really helps me immerse into a RP. -I do like darker themes