Alex was forced to wait patiently as the AI went around to the regional databases for the information he was looking for. In the meanwhile, he stood by and watched as the security personnel did their work, already clearing wreckage, the injured and dead removed from the scene for either the hospital or the morgue. It was a sight that brought a frown to his face and a clenching of his fists. He despised acts like these and the people who committed them, the ones who thought terror and violence would force their will, would make the Ultimatum bend and break. Couldn't they see that they were acting like fools? The Ultimatum brought peace, order to the world. When faced with threats such as the Great Beast, humanity had to stand united, and the only way to do that was via an overarching global political authority. Fools, fools and dreamers who couldn't see reality for what it was, that was what those terorrists, including the 'Librarian' were. At last though he had his response, the AI returning to the screen he stood near flashing blue. Search complete. Identity located." Alex turned back to face the holoscreen. "Good, who is it then?" He clicked on the amalgamated files to open them and see the results, reading with interest. So, Cole Carton was it? The Ultimatum had quite a bit of information on him. There were school records from the academy, how he was on track to join the Judicial Division. Then, news articles which mentioned the death of his sister in riots in 2095, employment records for the work force, medical records diagnosing him as clinically depressed, That almost brought a bitter taste to Alex's mouth, the fact that the terrorist was someone who had been considered to join his division. The taint ran deep it seemed. But he moved swift now that he had this information, sending a message off to Asgard to inform her of his progress, with a picture and the complied records they had on Cole Carton, his primary suspect. No one ever faulted him for being slow. With a wave, he slid the security camera footage from the large screen to his activated holopad, as he ran it forward while hooked to the cities network, switching form camera to camera, Cole's face always highlighted. Time to find him. No APB to find him, but Alex did turn to some of the plains clothe men nearby. "You two, come with me,' he ordered as he began to walk at a rapid pace, following the trail to wherever Cole's destination was. Time to catch a terrorist.