The first ship, had ceased all inbound traffic to the planet. While outbound was already heavily monitored to prevent the Jedi from escaping all inbound had continued as normal to try and lure more Jedi back to the planet. That was over now, despite one of the communications received from one of the vessels declaring itself friendly after all the recent affairs Admiral Loff who was currently in command off naval forces above Coruscant wasn't taking any chances. While the Emperors office had been out of contact for several minutes he had been assured that all was well and that he was just resting after the attack on his life. Until the Emperor was fit again this was his problem and he would solve it how he saw fit. "Quarantine those vessels immediately. Inform them that if they do not stand down we will be forced to take action. Prepare boarding parties if necessary and inform me the minute the Emperor is available to take my message.""Yes sir." He watched as one of the vessels began making its way towards the surface, trying to blend in with traffic. "Raise the planetary shield." It took a moment but a large golden mesh formed over the planet as the shield was raised, the first couple of ships crashed into it in an array of explosions. They would blame that down to Jedi insurgents or even down to the new vessels depending on how things went. The bay below the bridge that housed the Venators fighters opened and several LAATs deployed with the boarding parties with escort. "Unidentified vessels. By the power given to me by the Supreme Emperor of the Galactic Empire I hereby order you to declare yourselves immediately and to stand down and enter formation with the nearest Cruiser. From there you will be boarded to ensure that you do not pose a threat to the peoples of Coruscant. Do you comply with these orders?" By this point the Golan-II defense platforms had been powered up, Venators from all around the sector on patrol had jumped into range and all civilian traffic had come to a halt. It wasn't the most welcoming sight. Then, a ship bigger than any of the other ones present appeared. A two and a half kilometre long ship that looked strangely organic appeared right beside the Federation vessel. --- "Get me a status update [i]now.[/i]" He could feel the unease of the helmsmans mind. It gnawed at him and as such it gnawed at the ship. "We've shifted commander, hundreds of ships. One of them along side and we're beside a planet...""Which planet?""I do not know commander." Quicksilver turned to him and let his anger show through so that he would feel it in the telepathic link. "Then perhaps I should [i]feed[/i] you to someone who can. Get me an comprehensive update [i]now[/i]" The helmsman didn't even bother to respond to that. To do that would be to waste time and in the current situation that wouldn't help him one bit. What Quicksilver did see was that he had begun bringing up different screens, beginning with star charts and the search for any nearby stargates. He turned around to face Quicksilver. "These stars are unfamiliar. We are no longer within our home Galaxy.""How is that possible, a Hive cannot perform such a Hyperspace jump? Especially without instruction." While he was awaiting response from the helmsman he himself stayed connected with the hive, he shut out the stream of information coming at him about the situation and tried to reach his own conclusion,t he ship was confused. It was upset that it could not give him the desired answers and he reassured it. This wasn't right. However, there appeared to be a silver lining. "Commander.""Do you have our position yet?""No but-" He let lose what could only be referred to as a hiss as he bared his teeth and clenched his fists. "Then why do you not continue your work?""I have scanned the planet, there are... billions of lifesigns down on the planet. It has to be Earth.""We've found it..."