"Hey Trottel! Where you goin'? Thought you and I were going to have a romantic session over ice cream? Trying to steal my teammate are ya? Ah shit I almost forgot your name..! Takata! That's right, you're Katsu Takata! I'm Nikaido, call me Nikky or whatever floats your boat." "You can take him back," Katsu answered, huffing. "He's really annoying anyway." He kept walking hoping that [i]Jack Trottel[/i] would be gone by the time he turned around. He had only had a very small taste of this guy's "humor" and was already sick of him. He glanced back, seeing the two behind him. "If he's your teammate, he's your responsibility," Katsu said, hoping to get Nikky to drag Jack back. "If he goes missing, that'll be on you. I'd suggest chaining the guy to a chair."