"M23!" Tanya jumped into the ring as her mechanical companion fell, beating on its chestplate. "M23! M23, say something!" The robot attempted to push itself up before collapsing again. "M23 APPEARS TO HAVE MULTIPLE DAMAGED ACTUATORS IN LOCATION: LEFT ARM." Tanya sighed with relief. "Geez, don't scare me like that! I almost thought I'd lost you, ya big lug!" "M23 APPRECIATES YOUR CONCERN." "C'mere-", Tanya said as she helped the robot up, "-we'll have ya fixed up in no time!" "WAIT." M-23 turned its head to face Wrasslin. "What is- huh? Oh, right." She tossed some bills at the man. "Here's your winnings, jerkface." "NO, NOT THAT. OPPONENT. WHAT IS OPPONENT'S NAME."