[quote=NewSun] WINTER IS COMING [/quote] Hahaha... you're a funny man. [s]Murdered, forced into labour, raped and used as vile offspring factories, the desperate women of the former Kingdom of Poland have risen up in arms against their Isarimer masters. Though seemingly a pitiful attempt at liberty from the outside, this movement has garnered strength across the region, as more women flock to the cause in a bid to escape a fate worse the death. Taking note of the situation, the Slavic Lords to the south have assembled their forces for an attack to coincide with the civil strife.[/s] There. I can also strike though words, AND PEOPLE. But no, in all seriousness that is not going to happen. OR IS IT? Be funny again and find out. Wonder how the Isarimer would deal with a resurgence of the black plague? *maniacal laughter*