[b]Lord Admiral Orthos of the Royal Fleet 27th of Mid Year The Coast of Summerset[/b] [i]The Aldmeris[/i] had been leading ten other Altmer ships homeward for just over a day when a call came to Orthos from the crow’s nest. At first, the sent panic through the Altmer Admiral, yet the reports seemed to be good. The High King Aelid’s Flag Ship [i] Sea Smoke [/i] was the only other Titan Class ship the Aldmeri Navy had, yet these two ships were mighty indeed. Aelid appeared to have a escort of roughly forty ships with him from the summit. Thinking quickly, Orthos realized they had left a hundred or so ships in dock at Alinor. Altogether, this would leave 150 ships in Alinor once they had returned, and 60 waiting at Stken’s Weakness, as the Maormer had called it. Orthos ordered his ships to alter course, coming into formation with the King’s Fleet. Once they drew near each other, their paths continued towards home, and Orthos was eager to see his King once more. He wondered how the Regency of Nelron had gone in his absence, nor if anyone had heard word of the battle. He was sure they would all know of his Victory soon. Yet he had to wonder what had Aelid done for the Dominion in this time..? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Lord Regent Nelron of the Aldmeri Dominion 29th of Mid Year Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Aldmeri Dominion.[/b] The Lord Regent had trouble keeping his eyes open now, and was fairly sure that it was only his own magical fortitude that kept him connected to this plane now. The Justicar Revin now took care of near all Regent responsibilities, and Nelron retreated to his chambers earlier and earlier. Yet the wizened mage still had some life to him, and on this day he called together many prominent mages and members of the court. “My friends…” Nelron began warily, already tired from exertion. “It has come to my attention that The Arcane Society is growing small in number, as we are a low numbered race. Yet I know still many young Altmer still live in cities working for shops and living subpar lives. I have gathered you here today to begin a recruitment drive for the Society across the Isles. Our people are the best and brightest when It comes to the Arcane in all of Tamriel, and letting the Society die out would be a terrible shame.” Several of the members seemed to nod in affirmation, and it was only out of the corner of Nelron’s eye that he saw Revin seeming to roll his eyes. He continued on regardless… “Let this be a generation of magicka and wizards! The current Arch-Mage is very busy with a secret project of her own, and that is why this task of a Recruitment drive must fall to you. I trust you shall not fail me…” He finished his talking winded, and the Altmer bowed their heads respectfully before leaving. It was only after the last of his court had left other than the Thalmor did his strength finally leave him, and he collapsed on the cold glass floor of the High Elves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Arch-Mage Valina of the Arcane Society[/b] 29th of Mid Year The Arcane Society, Alinor.[/b] The ebb and flow of the ritual had been going for hours, and several of the most powerful mages she could find had slumped to the floor, unconscious. Out of the original eight who started the circle, only three remained including Valina. The markings on the floor glowed with a unnatural golden hue. The large black soul gem was levitating in the center of the room, giving off large pulses of light and energy occasionally. The mages could feel themselves being drained, and did not know how much longer they could withstand this lechery. The woman’s brow furrowed in concentration, and she pushed herself further, devoting more of her energy to the ritual. It glowed with a renewed intensity for a moment, before what almost seemed to be a light singing could be heard behind every ear. It grew slowly In volume, and now the black soul gem was spinning in midair faster and faster, gaining speed. A large explosion of light and heat would envelop the room, and none could move, though all could feel the flames whipping at their skin like flame atronochs. One of the three remaining wizards fainted now, used up. Valina focused what remained of her in a ward now, no longer caring for the ritual. The ward protected her for the majority, and she found the ritual needed no help now as it was strongly going. The roar of a God shook the chamber and it appeared a whip made of both fire and lightning would strike the black soul gem, causing a shattering Valina had never heard before. The chamber became an orchestra of light, sound, and heat, and three large lightning cracks struck the center of the chamber, before a dark stillness took the room. It was done. Yet unlike Valina thought would happen, they had indeed not infused massive amounts of the arcane into a living Mer. Instead, she had found the massive amounts of arcane energy they had channeled had been used to write on the floor the following; [b]“Secunda bows to the Death of the Mane. Masser bows to the Death of a God.”[/b] Valina knew immediately that this message from the Gods had Great Power, and it seemed only just that the Elder Scroll her people had found would shortly go missing soon after, its purpose fulfilled. She passed out from the exertion, her eyes landing on Aiden as she fell into darkness… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Agent Aiden of the Renshi , Servant of the Dominion, Double Agent. 29th of Mid-Year Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Dominion.[/b] Aiden had witnessed many things during his time with The Renshi, but never had he witnessed such massive amounts of power being concentrated on once. He read the message written in the chamber, written in the old Elven tongue, before watching Valina fall. Though he wished desperately to rush to her aid and comfort her, he knew he had tasks to do. He immediately fled the chamber, rushing to the Palace to tell the Justicar Revin of what had transpired. Yet as he rushed, he noticed many more Thalmor soldiers congregating near the palace. He made his way to the front gates, and was stopped by a Thalmor patrol. “None may enter the Palace without the permission of the High Justicar.” Spoke of the Altmer with a bit of a bite to his voice, shooing Aiden away. “But the High Justicar is in Argonia with the High King!” Argued the Renshi “Then it looks like you won’t be getting in, now will you?” The guard replied. Aiden didn’t have time for this, and he brushed past the Thalmor brutes angrily, announcing he worked for Revin. Though the Thalmor seemed shocked at his use of force, at the mention of Revin they let him go. The young double agent made his way through the glittering halls and glass windows one final time, before the Throne Room approached. Entering into such a prestigious Hall was always a honor, but Aiden found himself horrified at the sight before him. The Lord Regent Nelron, was laying before the Throne on his stomach, blood leaking from his nose and mouth, his eyes rolled up into his skull. The Justicar Revin sat on the Throne with relish, and he smirked at Aiden as he entered the palace. Revin appeared comfortable on the throne, and looked as if he had fantasized about this moment for a long time coming. “This stops now, Revin!” Aiden challenged, stepping towards the Justicar angrily. He knew Walden would be ashamed if he knew that Aiden had been dispatched to deal with this, and because of him, the Lord Regent was dead. Revin’s smile persisted, though it seemed colder now that before. “I truly must thank you for keeping a eye on Valina for me, Aiden. I thought she just might uncover us after all. But you kept her perfectly busy with Nelron’s foolish plans. Now that Nelron has passed, I am Lord Regent, and I think I’m going-“ Revin was cut off. Valina burst into the Throne Room and rushed forward, her robes cut and a slash on her cheek. The woman collapsed before the dead Nelron, and once more Aiden felt shame. He genuinely cared for this girl, and now the man she considered a father was dead. She sobbed into the chest of the fallen Lord Regent, and Aiden turned back to Revin. He drew the ceremonial blade and dagger from their sheaths, and he looked a true Renshi. “You think you can hope to right your wrongs? To redeem yourself from the crimes you’ve committed..? No, Aiden. You are just as lost as me, and if this Rebellion loses, your head will be taken as quick as mine.” “No! I’m here to stop you. I always have been!” He roared angrily. [b]”YOU’LL DIE FOR THIS!”[/b] Valina screamed suddenly, twisting around to confront the two mer. Her eyes were covered with hair and tears, though they seemed to glow with an inner hatred. Her body seemed to contort with fury and malice, and a bolt of lightning sprung forth from both of her hands, sending the Justicar Revin through a glass window nearby, and to his death. Aiden received a blast as well, though hit a wall instead a window. Valina collapsed once more onto Nelron, and this time Aiden feared her dead. The blast from her had sent Aiden flying back far enough to crack the wall, and he felt his breathing become labored. As one of the Renshi, he knew a fatal wound when he came upon one. He heard boots stomping down the hall, obviously attempting to discover the cause of this madness. Aiden gripped his dagger tightly, his knuckles white from exertion. He knew he had only one task left as part of the Renshi, and that was a death on his terms, of his own choosing. The blade slide into his stomach, and he cut to his right and then up, as Lord General Walden had taught all the Renshi many times… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Lord General Walden of the Renshi 29th of Mid Year Alinor, Summerset Isle, Capital of the Island.[/b] Walden knew something was wrong almost immediately when he realized the Thalmor were restricting entry into the Palace. He had gathered several Renshi and confronted the Thalmor guardsmen. The first group Walden and the Renshi slaughtered with their Twin Blades, while the second group lay down arms in horror, after witnessing their skill. Walden had them burst down the Throne Room door, and rushed into the Throne Room to find place in Chaos. A Renshi was trained to see more in a single glance than most men see in a life time, and as such Walden knew what was going on at a seemingly inhuman rate. Nelron was collapsed on the floor, probably dead due to his age. He saw the ragged breathing of the new Arch-Mage, Valina, and finally, he saw Aiden. The poor Aiden… Walden rushed forward to the young Altmer, and immediately he recalled talking to the young High Elf in the gardens of Alinor. Walden had tasked him with this task, and it was obvious the boy hadn’t been ready. [i]’Taken by surprise… by Revin, probably.’[/i] Walden thought bitterly, before the young altmer spoke out in a ragged bloodied gasp; “Lord General! I-.. I’m sorry. I fa-… failed you..” His words were closer to whispers, but Walden cradled the dying mer in his arms as he spoke his last words. Walden turned his face away, attempting to hide a single tear. “Auri-El take you, Aiden of the Renshi.” Walden said solemnly, closing the Elves open and deadened eyes. The Thalmor would pay for this treachery. Walden swore it, on Auri-El [b]AND[/b] on Talos. They would pay.