The ship had only been out of control for a few minutes, but it had taken several hours for some sort of order to be restored on the ship. The command staff was gathered in the war room. "I have never seen Bloodletters like these." said Siegfried. "Black and white... The odd thing was that, when they were trapped and unable to get to us, they started killing each other." he said. "I knew that they were chaotic, but this is completely new behavior." He then saw Viqtor and Aminah staring at each other. "Why do I get the feeling that the Inquisition is withholding information in their usual fashion?" he muttered. "BASTARDS!!!" yelled a voice. "I'LL RIP HIM APART WITH MY BARE FUCKING HANDS!!!" Lemanicus strode into the room. "THAT ENERGY BOLT!!! IT GOT [i]KRAKATOA[/i]!!!" Kurn grabbed his shoulders. "Calm down..." He said. "We know about the Warhound... You've been drinking... Turn your liver back on, we need you sober." "I DON'T WANT TO BE SOBER!!! I'VE FAILED THE OMNISIAH!!!" Kurn then punched him to the floor, but he was back up quickly. "Alright..." said Lemanicus. "Where are we?" "About to re-enter normal space." said Kurn. "But first... Inquisitor." he said, turning to Viqtor. "Tell me everything you know about these bloodletters." "That is need-to-know." replied Viqtor. Kurn slowly approached him, towering above the Inquisitor. "I believe we need to know..." he said, slowly. Viqtor looked him up and down. "Fine... That was Malal..." he said, Aminah tugged his sleeve as though to ask him to stop, but Viqtor brushed her off. "Malal is a Chaos God." "I've never heard of him." said Lemanicus. "Of course you haven't... He is one of the more powerful Chaos Gods... The embodiment of Anarchy. A being of such anarchistic intent that he started rebelling against the other Chaos Gods... Our information says that he employs black and white daemons. This would most certainly seem to be his attack. Although, why we didn't destroy us outright is... puzzling." said Viqtor. Suddenly the ship shook as it exited to normal space. "Lord Wolfstalon, will you please report to the bridge." said the voice of Lafray over the Vox caster. Kurn looked around. "Lemanicus, damage control, get us working at full power again." he said. "Inquisitor, if you and your men can sweep the ship for anything we might have missed... Your assassins survived, I trust." "The Temple trains us well." said the voice of the Ophias as he appeared out of no-where. Kurn nodded before heading out. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -The Bridge- Kurn walked onto the bridge and looked around, it seemed to be mostly undamaged. "What's the status?" "We've lost the Artillery Lance's and half of our weapon batteries." replied the Admiral. "But... That's not why I called you here." he said. The Galaxy map came up on the large monitor. "So, where are we?" he asked. The Admiral looked around, looking rather frightened and confused. "We... Aren't..." he said. "The Cartographers don't recognize any of these stars. The computer can't make heads nor tails of it." Kurn looked at the monitor, then at the large, glowing planet bellow. "Wh..." "Wherever we were thrown... It wasn't in our galaxy." said the Admiral. Kurn's heart seemed to sink... What the hell were they supposed to do now? If they weren't able to get to their galaxy... What the hell were they going to do? What if they had been thrown to the Tyranids galaxy? What if they were actually in the Eye of Terror? What if... "Send a distress vox... Accept any and all assistance offered, even if it is Xenos... We need to figure out where the hell we are and how we can get home." "My Lord, are you sure-" "We accept assistance from the Eldar when it comes to the Necrons, the Tau when it comes to the Tyranids or Orks, and unless we can find a human ship here, we will have to accept Xenos assistance now." he said, looking out... There were strange triangular vessels moving towards them. "What in the name of Mother Fenris are those?" he asked. "Karrion Birds circling the carcass." replied Lafrau, jumping into his seat. "Prepare for battlestations." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________