[b]Anthony - Haywood[/b] Despite their attempts to prevent the walker infiltration, those monsters managed. Suddenly, the front line had to retreat in order to save themselves and continue their attempts. Anthony jogged alongside one of the soldiers - away from the gates. "There's too many, were running out of ammo" the soldier stated. Anthony grunted and continue to jog, suddenly finding himself surrounded. He grunted and continued to fire as he turned to find the apartments blocking his way. Suddenly, one of the walkers trashed its teeth into the soldier accompanying Anthony. The man screamed for help, but all Anthony did was turn and attempt to open the door to the apartment behind him. With helpless attempt, he took three steps back before charging at the door and sending it to the ground - breaking it off the hinges. "I ain't gonna die!" he told himself as he made his way through the apartment, walkers chasing his every move. In the meantime, a mass number of walkers headed towards the building the civilians were held in. Apparently, a lot of noise came from that general direction. The noise was most likely questioning tenants, wondering what was happening? Who had won? Etc. But soon, the noise got louder as the tenants screamed for their lives. Since they were not armed, they had no way of defending themselves against the attack. One after another, the civilians were torn into shreds by rotting teeth. The old who could not run were taken down first. Then came the children, unable to push away from the walker's overwhelming strength. Haywood had now become a land of massacre. Though nobody outside could see it, the noise was enough to know what was going on. The walkers didn't even give those people a chance to come back to life. It had all gotten out of control. Daniel and Audrey both reached the gates on time, but they weren't enough to prevent the mass amount of walkers from entering Haywood. Even they ran off in order to save themselves. So as of now, there was no protecting the tenants - it just wasn't possible. This new world created a rule where one's life was more valuable than another's. In addition to that, ammunition was at its lowest and would definitely run out soon. Anthony had already run out and was forcing a kitchen knife into the brains of his enemies. His arm was getting sore from having to stab the living dead so many damn times. The apartment he was in was full of dead walkers, about six. At the moment, he lay on the kitchen floor in attempt to catch his breath. But outside the apartment, walkers munched on his soldier friend, ripping the man into pieces as they dug into his stomach. At first there were only about twenty walkers, but the noise of gunshots seemed to have awoken twenty more. No longer knowing how to get in contact with Daniel and the others, Anthony jumped through the back window of the apartment - a back window every apartment had. He had to force the gates closed no matter what, because it was the only way to keep even more walkers from entering. So quickly, he ran back around the apartments heading towards the gates. He made sure the walkers were distracted before acting. The problem with closing the gates was that one of them was completely bent and had holes all over it - holes big enough for walkers to fit right through. That one gun Robert had used completely shattered the gate. But unlike the door Anthony smashed down, the gate was still on the hinges, deeming it close-able. First, Anthony ran to the one good gate and quickly closed it up. Then he turned to the bent-up gate and attempted to close it, but it was so beat up it touched the floor. Anthony attempted to push it closed, but it dragged against the concrete underneath. "Dammit! C'mon!" he cursed as he continued to try. Though it wouldn't completely prevent anymore walkers from getting in, it would surely prevent the same numbers from infiltrating. If closed, the walkers would only be able to get in three at a time, unlike the ten that got in simultaneously when the gates were open. And if they got through this hell today, then they would be able to fix the gate the next day. But right now, it seemed improbable. "DAMMIT!!"