Before Tenjer knew it the Covenant forces he spotted had already noticed and were firing on McCoy, and in an instant Anders had already gunned down two grunts. When Ander's yelled at Tenjer to light him up he nodded and yelled "Right behind you!". Tenjer followed right behind him, dropping to one knee and using a shot of his DMR to get a third grunt who was turning in the head. Mentally counting the aliens he could make out eighteen of them, which meant they were down to fifteen by the time the Jackals responded with bringing up their shields. Just then he heard Brewer run up from behind, yelling not to shoot and then asking what the plan was. He pulled a pin off a frag grenade and said "Take these Covenant scum down and get McCoy out of there!". Right then he threw the grenade and it flew right behind the three Jackals who set up their shields. The grunts and elites say it in time to avoid but the Jackals having had their backs turned to it had no turn before the grenade went off, effectively killing the three Jackals and disabling their shields. A plasma bolt then hit him right him the helmet, it was hot and burned a bit but ultimately it was mainly absorbed by his armor. He sighed with relief and said "We're going to need some cover or to kill all of these guys soon or we're done for!".