[b]Name:[/b] Petruccio Manin [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Vincent stands at around 5'10''-6', his light brow hair is secured behind him, an effort to keep it out of his face. His face carries the same soft angles as his fellow countrymen and his eyes are a light grey. When not "at work" his dress is that of a normal artisan. However when he is "at work" he is an imposing figure in his doctor robes, his mask covering his face, their dark glass eyes glinting in the sunlight. [b]Personality:[/b] A bit of an oddball, Petruccio can jump from being straightforward to off topic in a matter of moments, even with his job he is usually upbeat, though the sheer darkness of the disease he must combat can get to him. [b]Origin:[/b] The Most Serene Republic Of Venice [b]Background:[/b] Petruccio was born to Ermo Manin and Avila Manin in 1328 in their home in the north side of Venice. His father was a tradesman, though he accually ran overland routs instead of the normal sea routs, his explanation being that Venice had more than enough sea tradesmen, but no-one to carry the goods to the more landlocked cities and towns once they got on shore, but Petruccio soon realized that sea travel simply made his father uneasy. Life was pretty normal for the family as he grew, and even though they were considered of the lower classes Avila insured her son received some form of education, much to the dismay of his father's coin purse. He learned how to read and write quickly enough and generally enjoyed his schooling, but around the age of 10 he was sent to live with his grandmother, who lived on a Lord's estate a few miles outside the city. There he still learned, only this time it was about animal physiology and the humors of the body, it was at this time that Petruccio found his calling in life. When he was able to he applied for and was accepted into a church run academy and studied to be a Physician, it was at this time he learned English (A language he considers to be his weakest.). As the Plague arrived in force and various institutions and governments sent out the call for specialized physicians, Petruccio jumped at the chance and has been a Plague doctor since, usually in employment to small towns and minor Lords, though he has been known to wander. [b]Equipment:[/b] General Plague doctor attire and supplies, general medicines and poisons, two stiletto knives, surgery kit. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Petruccio's family (Including Petruccio) is a long line of Lycans, which may help to account as to why he has not contracted the Plague. He has also taken an interest in post mortem autopsies as a way to learn the affects of the disease, always done in secret and very carefully.