[hider=CS] Name: Alya Basil Deity of: (Air/Skies, Winds, Freedom, Travel) Age/DoB: (Currently 2020 AD) Gender: Female [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/141/f/e/nomad__by_thedarkinker-d664rs6.jpg] Darker skin and light brown hair. Personality: An unsurprising free spirit, and inquisitive mind. She is strong, prideful and full of conviction. She would prefer death over confinement. Both for her, and for anyone else. Background:Alya was born into the dwindling Bedouin population of Israel, in the city of Rahat Her particular tribe has been displaced repeatedly since the end of WWII, and Israel's declaration of independence, and her parents are some of the last who still maintain the Bedouin's traditional nomadic lifestyle. She grew up in tents, moving from place to place and herding sheep, visiting urban centers only rarely. Her family's traditions left her few choices in life besides marrying, and she opted out of that by joining the Israel Defense Forces. She was a part of Caracal Battalion, which gained fame in the early 2000's as one of the first military outfits to allow women in combat roles. She served as a tracker, and worked primarily in the Negev Desert, locating known enemies of Israel. Unfortunately, her work put her directly at odds with her own internal nature, but she lived in denial for almost three years of service. It was a visit to a military prison that shook her out of it. Her squad had just hunted down a Palestinian terrorist, and they were delivering him to the prison. There she saw the treatment of people behind bars, including some of her own people, and couldn't handle the thought of it. She tried to sneak back in the middle of the night to free prisoners, but she was caught and almost captured. She knew she'd join them if she stayed, so she fled. Now she lives a nomadic lifestyle, traveling the war torn Middle East and taking mercenary work when she can. She has a base camp hidden somewhere in Iraq, but only visits when she needs to hide out. [/hider]