Blair laughed as she got off the floor, dusting herself off. "It's not, but don't overdo it. Don't use it all at once and only use it when you feel pain, got it?" She opened the door gently and exited the room, now back in the White Mage guild's halls. There was a peculiarly dressed and helmeted man standing by the stairway and bannisters at the end of the hall. Cancer. Cancer was pacing back and forth frantically, looking underneath tables and various decor for a missing object. "Where is it? I knew I pocketed it from the medical ward and now it's GONE." Blair snuck past Cancer, looking back and smiling at the strange Wanderer before she went down the stairwell. "It was here! I know it was here! My precious! My precious Adrenal-IIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE-" /Cancer and Blair left Scenario 30/