Before the seated man could respond, Ilario almost winced at a high voice behind him. He turned around to see a diminutive girl and creased his brow in confusion. Glancing over to the other man and finally noticing all of the glinting cutlery strapped onto his person, he could see she had a point. However, it didn't change the fact that her voice was irksome. Ilario instead walked over to the flagon of wine and poured an amount into a goblet, before carrying it to the fireplace. Addressing the girl properly, Ilario took on an arrogant tone, "I'm sure if we need to annoy the other nations out of invasion plans, then I can see we will not be understaffed." The next player to enter the meeting place was another sufficiently armed man. This one looked stronger and had an authoritative confidence about him. Ilario returned his "Evening," and followed through with a sip and a comment. "Hawk must be assembling an army." Just when Ilario thought the team was fully assembled and perhaps everyone could at least start exchanging names, yet another player walked in. His silhouette was intimidating enough. But when the dark skin giant walked into the light, he seemed to be difficult to not notice. "Never mind the army," Ilario said under his breath. The giant then introduced himself so jovially that the atmosphere of the room seemed to change with him. "Now is as good a time to introduce myself, I suppose." Ilario raised his voice and his goblet, "You may call be Ilario Falegname. If your brain starts to hurt from thinking too much, leave the task to me."