"Thanks Joseph, you're a real peach~!" Nikaido smiled, giving a thumbs up to a waiter who nodded his head in acknowledgement as he walked away to serve other customers in the diner. It was a small establishment, a counter ran along the front of the kitchen which was laid out in plain sight displaying all sorts of food for onlookers to stare at as they waited for their order. A few tables dotted the center of the diner with two or three chairs for seating, booth tables ran along the far wall of the diner, their faded glossy red cushion seats reflecting years of abuse. Nikaido sat across Jack, their table littered with three different colossal ice cream sundays that already beginning their melting process. In front of her was a platter with fries and a chilly hotdog, Nikado picked up a fry and tossed it into her mouth, "To bad pretty boy ain't here with us, maybe I'll get something to go for him." she pondered the thought for a moment before dipping a second fry into the triple chocolate coma sunday, "So Trottel... or maybe I should quit the formalities and call you Jack," Nikaido began, quickly swallowing the sweet and salty hybrid before she continued, "I haven't really heard much out of you... I mean, for a seemingly fun guy like yourself, you must really keep a lot of comments to youself." she paused for a moment, choosing her words wisely. She was so used to speaking freely that she never stopped to censor any information, unless she was in front of a commanding officer or an employer.... or a killer. "I mean...." Nikaido was no good at censorship, she picked up her chilly dog and stared at it, "I see it in your eyes, how the muscles in your face twitch ever so slightly, and that goes to say I was staring at you a lot... Oh man this is awkward." Nikaido shoved the chilly dog into her mouth as far as she could before bitting down on it, chewing hesitantly.