Vandria Gilmadrith Game background Title(s) Steelheart Home plane Olympian Glades of Arborea Power level Intermediate Alignment Lawful Neutral Portfolio War, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilance, decision Domains Law, Protection, War Superior Corellon Larethian Design details Vandria Gilmadrith, a daughter of Corellon Larethian, is the Seldarine goddess of war, justice, and grief. She is unique among the Seldarine as being the only deity with a lawful alignment. For this reason, during times of peace she usually has fewer followers among the elves than among other races. When the elves go to war en masse, however, they turn to her for help and guidance. Elven patron saint of warhammers. ^The only elf God that is not chaotic that is canon. Your welcome Knighthawk