Franco-Belgian boarder [hider=salt of the earth]1st siege "salt of the earth Army Current General: Shi’so "The Iron Maiden" Kain Morale: 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - /// - /<1000>// - /<500>// - /<20>// - /<150>//[/indent] Current Action:Guarding the construction of a new castle in newly acquired territory [/hider] [hider=the Iron Warrios]2nd siege “Iron Warriors” Army Current General: Kais’is olis Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<20>// - /<200>// Current Action: Garrisoning currently constructed forts on the border [/hider] Ayyubid-Humlon Border [hider=boarder guards]1st boarder guards (militia) Current General: none Morale: 100% Strength/Unit Breakdown: - /// - /<2000>// - /<1000>// - /<500>// - /<500>// Current Action:garrison duty [/hider] Franco-Humlon border Lady general Kain sits in the headquarters of her new posting "good men and women died to achieve this plot of land." she says as she takes another sip of human Alcohol. "I hope it was worth it.." she says as she looks over plans for the future castle The capital Deep within the Capital the citizens of the Empire celebrate the victory in the streets. As the Militia forces demobilize the families of the fallen grieve and the Murdered emissary is hailed as a hero of the state. In his throne room The emperor sits looking over the number of casualties "My lord you should celebrate! our armies have achieved Victory, and smashed those French Dogs army." The Grand general says freshly arrived from the front. He stands still in his Parade uniform. Mere hours ago he was awarded the Iron Star, For his outstanding leadership. While the General is in merry mood the Emperor is grim and stoic "yes we have won, but to purchase victory we had to pay in blood." he says "this war could have been prevented, we wanted nothing but peace,to live as equals to the humans." he says as he walks out onto a near by terrace "we have achieved greatness, we came here a broken nation, we took this land, and we could have treated the humans as less than the dirt under my boots, but no we accepted them into our castes...even now they work as laborers,as ship builders, they serve in our military, they are potters, artist,bakers,fisherman, even the slaves are treated like people,..they aren't beaten like how the humans treat theirs, to them slaves are property to us they are a valued member of society who keep our nation why...why do they hate us? can humans understand the language of man? not just human but also humlon, and the others of our dead world? or do they only understand the language of the sword?" he says. The general looks at the Emperor stunned "my lord..." he says " my apologies general I did not mean to burden you with my thoughts...please go join your family spend the rest of your night celebrating with family, I am sure they have missed you"