Isabelle stuck her tongue out at the arrogant man and simply nodded to the pipe smoker. She then took a seat at the main table, propped her feet up on it, and grabbed a sweet roll. Clearly, this food was made for nobility. She liked it. She liked it quite a bit. She noticed the note on the table but didn't bother looking at it; she figured Hawk would probably just explain everything when he finally arrived. Whenever that would be. She sat and watched silently as two more individuals came into the tavern. First came an older-looking man that looked sufficiently armed. Not as armed as pipe-smoker over there, but pretty well armed. Next came a bigger guy who looked REALLY well armed; and by well armed, she meant his actual arms. They were [i]huge[/i]! [i]He[/i] was huge! She watched as the big man looked around the room and said, "Good. I will not be starting the night alone! Nice to meet you all. I am Vestiago! Let us all be friends!" He then went to sit down and have a drink. Isabelle stared at him for a moment, then glanced around at the other three. Poofy-clothes spoke next. "Now is as good a time to introduce myself, I suppose," he yelled, raising his wine glass. "You may call be Ilario Falegname. If your brain starts to hurt from thinking too much, leave the task to me." Isabelle rolled her eyes. At least the big guy, Vestiago, seemed like fun. The rest of 'em just seemed like a bunch of stuffed-shirt nobles. [i]Booooring.[/i] But, if they were going to be her teammates, she might as well play nice with them. Munching on another sweet roll, she gave a quick wave as Ilario finished his introduction. Then she decided to speak up. "I'm Isabelle. For those who didn't hear it, yes, I am the young, and yes, I'm meant to be here. Got the same invitation from Hawk as all of you. Cheers," she added, raising her sweet roll in place of a glass. [i]I dunno. If you work it just right, even the stuffed-shirts can be kind of fun. Lookin' forward to seeing what this lot can do. And to proving 'em all wrong if they say I shouldn't be here.[/i] She smiled. This was going to be a fun line of work.