Amaya stopped before walking out of the headquarters. [i]My wallet..[/i] With a sigh, she turned back and headed for her room. Even though she planned to steal cash--or even steal the cake itself, it was always better to have a plan B, you know? Although, it probably wouldn't be necessary. As she reached her room, she walked over to her bed stand and opened the drawer; taking out her wallet which was made out of white leatherette. She opened it to check it's contents. It was [i]pretty[/i] loaded, but if she had to choose between spending for cake, and getting it for free, the latter would always be more delightful. She snapped it shut and placed it inside the pocket of her white trench coat before closing the drawer and walking out of her room. Now, it was time to get some cake. Chocolate cake or strawberry cake? That was the question. Chocolate cakes were.. chocolatey, sweet, and they tasted like passion in your mouth. However, strawberry cakes were creamy, lighter to the tongue, and were also a bit more refreshing and healthy--probably. But if it comes down to it, chocolate would always be her first choi- [b]"Any clue where she's gone off to?!"[/b] The very familiar--and loud might she add, voice broke through the silence; snapping her out of her thoughts - again. Amaya let out an exasperated breath before leaning on the wall and crossing her arms. "Oh, did you miss me already?" She spoke. Without waiting for a response, she walked away from Ntombi. Amaya was sure that she would follow anyway. Not because she liked to, but because she wanted to continue pestering her. At least Gin was there too, and she wouldn't have to be stuck with Ntombi alone. Things weren't as bad as they seemed. Cakes were always better to eat with the company of some.. friends.