"Well, that is alright! I just got these boots anyhow." He mumbles out to Ntombi. Gin was still rather bouncy at this point, already on his feet with a tied boot in each hand as he stood up, not yet bothering to put them on. Thankfully he had on a pair of bright yellow socks that completely clashed with the rest of his clothing, aside from his scarf. Obviously he really didn't care if he matched or not, or maybe he just didn't know any better... Probably a good mix of both, though. His mind seemed to wander as he looked down at the tied boots, a small, tiny bit of pride to be seen in his eyes. He didn't even really give much reaction to the comment about not being shot by Ntombi or anything. These boots that he had now owned for several months were tied for the first time. While it might not have been something so amazing to someone else, to Gin it was. In fact, he couldn't wait to practice tying other shoes! Though Gin was suddenly pulled from his mindless thoughts as a new voice appeared. Amaya! His excitement only grew as he jerked his head upwards with a large grin towards the other woman as she started to walk away... once again! A soft sigh would escape him as he quickly started to follow after her, finally stuffing both of his boots under his right arm before he began to talk a bit. Normally he didn't like to chatter, but it was a bit too obvious of just how genuinely happy he was at the moment to be unsocial. "You practically vanished out of the room the moment the meeting ended, of course we missed you! Where are you heading?" He asks simply with a smile still firmly set upon his lips.