[quote=bowtiesrcool86]Liam saw Chuck and Alexa leaving and called out to Shirauni they were leaving.[/quote] "Okay," replied Shiranui As he went with Liam along Route 3, Shiranui noticed a couple of Pokémon that shared one thing common with Titania and that reminded him of the controversy that happened barely a year ago when various Pokémon started showing an immunity to Dragon-type moves and some Eevee started evolving to Sylveon through bonding if they knew certain moves. The Kalos Pokémon League explained about a new type called Fairy that was immune to Dragon-type moves; resistant to Fighting, Bug and Dark moves; and weak against Poison and Steel. Their type of attack didn't affect Fire, Poison or Steel that much and was strong against Fighting, Dragon and Dark. Other things the Kalos League stated that superseded what other regions had known was that the Steel type was no longer resistant to Ghost or Dark moves, Grass Pokémon were immune to powder moves, Electric Pokémon could no longer be paralysed through any means and Ghost Pokémon were immune to trapping moves. Through training along Route 3, Shishi had evolved to a Luxio.