Amber climbed up the tree deactivating her fire weapons and waited to hear said plan. Alex just smirked and looked back at her then at the group of monkeys on the ground. "... Carousel of Punishment..... kinda." He said before placing his hand into the air with black mist appearing. A monkey was climbing the tree upward but would soon stop. Alex just continued to smirk when he let the mist fall to the ground. It becoming more like dust. When it hit hit the ground it erupted into multiple spikes pointing upward. The spikes spreading like a fire within the proximity of the group of weak beasts. The spikes impaling all of the creatures in the small group. Not necessarily killing. Alex moved his hand off the side of the tree with his palm towards the ground ,the spikes around the actual tree disappearing with the rest remaining. Many of the monkeys screeching in pain or now now unable to. Alex's fedora slightly tilted to shade his face. "...Shall we follow the rest?" Alex asked while viewing his work. The larger legion wasnt visible but the sounds of their cries and steps could be heard.