[u]Senchal, Elsweyr[/u] Ab'Farahn caught news that the Argonians had landed in Elsweyr, and he immediately decided to send a messenger to greet them. "Tell them, that they're welcome on our land, as long as they don't cause any trouble. Also, tell them that if they would like to discuss anything with Ab'Farahn, that he will be willing to do so." Ab'Farahn ordered the messenger. "Yes, Ab'Farahn, this shall be done." The Messenger replied. "Good." Ab'Farahn said. The messenger set off for the camp. Ab'Farahn turned to another messenger. "Spread the news around Elsweyr that any Southern soldier that lays down his arms and stops the fight, will have no harm come to them." He told the other messenger. "Of course, Ab'Farahn!" The messenger nodded. Ab'Farahn nodded back and the other messenger set off. "We have taken heavy casualties." Ab'Farahn said "We need to recover our strength." He turned to a final messenger. "Spread around Elsweyr, that we need to recruit new soldiers. Don't tell them that they will have to go through a lot of inspections and investigation as we can not allow ourselves to be infiltrated while we are weak. Go now." The messenger nodded and he set off. Ab'Farahn headed to the dungeon where the former Mayor of Senchal was chained. "Tell Ab'Farahn, former Mayor, is there anyone higher than you or anywhere where a lot of the Southern Forces are gathered? Somewhere or someone that we should be worried of?" Ab'Farahn questioned. "If you answer... Maybe I'll let you live." [hider=Actions] [*]A messenger has set off to greet the Argonians.[/*] [*]Another messenger has started adventuring around Elsweyr spreading news that no harm will come to any Southern soldier if they stand down.[/*] [*]A final messenger is recruiting people into the Elsweyr/Khajjit army[/*] [*]Ab'Farahn is questioning the former Mayor of Senchal[/*] [/hider]