I'll write up a CS EDIT: Here it is! EDIT2: Can we have companions? It would fit my character's history Name- Finn Adgaurd Age- 19 Gender- Male Race- Human Personality- Adventurous, loves adventuring into the unknown. Brave, doesn't get scared about what's ahead. Unselfish, will focus more on allies rather than themselves. Not too smart, but nice. Appearance- [img=http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e119/Yamikochan/animeboys/gba.png] Strengths- Doesn't get scared easily, knowledge of swords, can help his team when in need, and doesn't care at all about pain- so he'll fight through pain if it means killing the monster infront of him. Weaknesses- Doesn't stop to think about traps, how much more powerful the monster might be than him, will focus solely on helping his allies, even if it means his death. Powers- Intense knowledge of swords, when under great pressure or close to death, will allow him to swing his swords rapidly and slash through everything infront of him. Physical Abilities: [url=http://adventuretime.wikia.com/wiki/Finn#Physical]See the Wiki[/url] History- Was born on a small farm with a mother and a father, his mother worked farming and his father worked as a swordsman and taking care of them both. He would sometimes help make swords with his father and sometimes help farm with his mother. He would also sometimes attend his father's sword lessons, and ended up learning how to use a sword swiftly and easily. Being raised on a farm out with only his mother, father, and dog, he wasn't raised as selfish or lazy, but being stuck on the farm gave him a thirst for adventure, one when fulfilled makes him happy and joyous. A few years later, his same old life, he lived and grew, often running out into the forest and plains to find monsters and caves, where he would love to find loot and fight the monsters, something that fulfilled his need for adventure. One day, while adventuring out in the forest, he was confronted by a demon, whom he tried to fight, but ended up knocking him unconscious. He woke up a few hours later in a small room, definitely the start to a dungeon. He was told that there was a chance to escape, and he would've loved to just live in the dungeon, living his life fighting monsters and gaining loot, but he knew his parents would grow sad and lonely at his disappearance, so he set off to escape the dungeon.