In a Office Deep underground Ryan Dust stood waiting for his Employer~ Mr V. He was surrounded by Armed guard's all with enough firepower to live nothing but a bloody mess of goo on the floor and of course he was stripped down to his vest and shorts. Just so he couldn't hide Anything. Mr V after was a powerful and dangerous man and people like him have loads of Enemies who would love to put a bullet in his brain, However Ryan Knew it would be foolish of him to try and kill someone who pays well for work, even if he was a paranoid employer to say the least. "Ryan, its good to see you again" a hoarse voice said from the darkness " I know you hate the pleasantries so i will get straight to the point, you may or may not of heard from slaves that the wasteland hero known as Courier Six maybe be alive in Arizona and i want you to confirm this story and rescue that son of a bitch, if he is alive" Ryan was shocked to hear that Mr V had taken a intrested in these rumors, after all most people that had been rescued were ill and starving so clearly would be confused, However if Mr V was interested he would pay for it if it really means that much to him " Okay V, you have my interest Costs alone to bribe the right people supplies and everything else on top of my pay will be a lot. this is deep legion territory we are talking about as well as chaotic Mojave which will have thousands of men trying to keep things in order and take down those who still resist." Ryan stated in his usual harsh tone. " Yes i am paying a lot for this as are the people who have contacted me wanting this job done, And you wont be going alone, you will be taking a team with you i have already took the liberty of choosing them for you" Mr V said with a direct tone of voice, making his point of this not being up for debate very clear. "Fine, i'll take the job ~ But these fools better follow my lead or this will be a very short trip" --- 4 days later ~ Hub ~ 1900 hours - abandoned Garage on the edge of town __ Ryan sat in the dark reading over the files that Mr V Had given him, two supper mutants Dirge and Milo - A stealth expert - a Double agent and doctor. They seemed okay on paper..sort off But in person who knew he sat in the Dark abandoned Garage on the edge of Hub waiting for the first to arrive. He kept his 12.7mm sub machinegune at hand just incase as you knever know who he was meeting and had his bottle of whiskey in hand so he could keep himself focused without withdrawls. All it was now is a waiting game