Name:Brandon Jackson Age: 17 Gender:Male Appearance:[hider=My Spoiler][img=][/hider] Personality:He usually has tremendous energy and often likes to show it by using his voice to talk a lot or by dancing or just by being competitive. Although when he puts his mind to it, he can remain calm and cool, like for example if someone who he had never seen before had come up to him and stomped on his foot. He would probably say something like: "Whatever makes you feel good." He is friendly to strangers. Brave to help out his friends even in dangerous situations. Loyal to those who have helped him. If he does have a problem he cannot solve/move past he will usually turn to anger, and blame himself. History:He grew up in a major city in Western Canada. His family was made up of his father, a car mechanic and his mother a stay at home parent. Even with only one parent working, his family made pretty good money because his father happened to work for a major car dealership as the dealerships manager. This easily helped pay for Brandon's schooling and wardrobe and couple that with Brandon's determination to do well in school-Well he got A+ in every class and looked stylish when he wasn't even in class. This was something that alot of his fellow students, didn't like. He shrugged it off when they teased him and just attributed it to jealousy. Anyway he really loved school, but he loved it even more when at the age of fourteen he happened to watch an episode of dancing with the stars and got hooked on dancing. And so after talking to his parents he got set up with the best dancing instructors and learned all sorts of different dance styles. A couple of years later his father saw a promotion on t.v. for the Tsukino-Danvers Academy. He wasn't sure at first of whether to join it or not but his father pressured him into it-saying that it would be good for him to learn some more mechanical knowledge besides what I teach you about cars. Mechanical Frame:The UEG-T1 or "Chimera" is only similar to the base UEG mechanical frame with the guard like part on its left arm. (I hope that will count as similarity and similarity enough to the base model.) It's the first UEG mechanical frame of its series, hence why it is called T1. It boasts a large and durable shield on its left arm that can cover and protect fragile parts of the frame easily from energy weapons, such as the pilot quarters. (Or where the polite sits inside while controlling the mecha.) Appearance:[hider=My Spoiler][url=]This is it[/url] [/hider] Weaponry: -Powerful Canons that are visible above the Head piece of the mech which are rectangular and can fire very destructive blasts of napalm. The downside is that the cannons are fixed in their position on the mech and so the entire mech has to move in order to aim the cannons at a target. -Shield Drill: The mech has the ability to rotate the shield upon its left arm at an incredible speed turning it into a drill that has the potential to drill through weak or unarmored parts of opponent mechas. -Electrical Gatling Gun mounted on the right arm of the mech that can rapid fire small electrical projectiles, which have the potential to slowdown or paralyze an opponent .