Name- Ashem "Ashe" Grandhelm Age- 25 Gender- Male Race- Human Occupation- Prince Appearance- [I really wanted something in a fancy Medieval style suit, with glasses... just because... but damnit, the one time I actually look for something like that, Can't find one XD So i'll make due with THIS!] [Hider=Image] Just add some fancy high class glasses in there >=3 because, glasses! and place him at roughly 6 feet tall. [Img][/img] [/hider] Personality- Ashe tends to put himself off as a 'stereotypical prince', putting on the air of a haughty noble with Ideas of granduer, which is part of why it was shocking that he turned down succession. Those close to him, mainly family or trusted members of the castle staff, Know this to be an act on his part, giving the people a typical seemingly useless prince to see, while behind the scenes he is not only a much more pleasant 'friend' to have, but also a skilled manipulator... There are many 'rumors' about him that he expertly dodges, rewords, or turns against said rumor spreader. It's rare that he shows his true feelings about something to anyone but a 'trusted individual', that is to say, not all family is trusted, though he has always played the 'big brother' to his younger sister, Aribelle. That said, he still has a mysterious element of unfathomability about him, a trait he has nurtured purposefully due to his 'secret love of secrets' and the advantages they can pose. Magic- Publically he is known to 'study' magic for the purposes of knowing how to fight it to better protect the kingdom, there are rumors about him actually being capable of 'using' magic, rumors which he has kept unconfirmed, mostly because it cannot be proven unless the accusor is able to use magic to prove it. Secretly, he most certainly 'can' use magic, and is both fascinated and frightened by it's potential, using this as a drive to learn ways to counter magic users, as well as to give his kingdom knowledge both of how to defend itself from magic, as well as understand the difference between a good and bad magic user. [Hider=Info] I'll fill this out as they come into RP :D though the GM knows about then, of course if preffered i can put it all out here ^.^ [/Hider] Abilities- [Hider=Info] As the eldest son, Ashe was expected to take the kingship, and as such was subject to a child-hood of thorough teaching and preparation for the position, something he coped with 'in his own way', but it has added up to him possessing a wide array of skills and knowledge that many others may find themselves lacking. Since he 'came of age' he even deepened his training, adding to it studying 'magic' so that he may have knowledge of what some consider to be a great enemy of the kingdom, that is to say, ensuring he'll have 'knowledge' of many magical things even if he can't use them. 'Studies' Aside, he is a well accomplished swordsman, knowledgeable of political 'things', very physically active and keeping his reflexes sharp... though the skill he is secretly most proud of is the ability to manipulate those around him without making it clear that 'he' is doing so, there's a certain primal rush to it and he can honestly say it is a guilty pleasure of him, though he does his best to be responsbile about it. He has a wide array of skills and knowledge that most don't know he has [I'll try to be reasonable about 'stuff expected of a leader' XD my brain isn't braining well enough right now to list it all TnT] [/Hider] Weaknesses- [Hider=Info] He has a tendency to be 'too' sure of himself, if he believes he's right, even when he's wrong, it will likely take a lot of effort to convince him otherwise without some hard proof... this can be 'good' sometimes, but usually only if he's actually right. Pride - while he's not a pampered little twerp running around acting 'holier than thou' he does have quite a bit of pride, born mostly of the extensive training he's gone through, and unfortunately it often leads him to having a feeling described as 'I'm the smartest guy in this room', and occasionally to speaking with a tone that can inspire assumptions about looking down on others. Needs an outlet - He's had a very stressful life being 'prepared' to take the crown, it is inevitably that it would wear on someone's emotional state. He tends to try coutering the stressful buildup by entertaining himself, usually in the form of covertly employed pranks to get a giggle, minor and harmless most often, but he's begun to see it as a challenge and practice for other covert dealing to up the ante without anyone realizing it was him. Comedy is a guilty pleasure of his used to aleviate the stresses built up over his life of preparation, so he has a tendency to crack jokes or say something completely nonsensical at a random moment... or perhaps something that 'seems' nonsensical yet may have a hidden meaning, similar to comedy, manipulation is a bit of a guilty pleasure, where even the 'good kind' gives a nice little rush of accomplished feelings. [/Hider] History- (What they were up to before the start of this roleplay. You can make up your own town names or whatever as needed) As the eldest male sibling, Ashe was 'expected' to take the throne, and this led to him being raised on preparations to some day rule the kingdom. His child-hood was puncuated with frequent lessons in anything considered courtly, noble, or simply expected of a king, and there was enough to easily fill a decade worth of pushy learning expectations and training regimes with plenty left over for the next. Oddly, around his teen years, he started demanded his teacher or trainer not coddle him for being a 'young prince' or the 'heir to be', he seemed to develop an understanding from at that age that his life belonged to the kingdom and not himself, and through this understood that the typical royal pampering would only make him a weaker leader in the future. Of course, all good rulers require a certain skill-set in order to lead well, amongst these skills is the ability to manipulate, and perhaps through some long repressed rebellious phase he eventually sought a method to make his life 'his own' and make serving the kingdom a 'choice' instead of a requirement. Imagine the king's surprise when he approached him with a request to 'study magic'... Naturally this seemed an unacceptable request, less because it involved magic and more than it involved the 'prince' asking to study it, yet he mysteriously waited with a coy grin on his face until his father had been done trying to disuade and simply elaborated 'No father, I said I 'want' to 'study' magic, not employ it. when i become king, i cannot protect it against something I have no knowledge of." It was as simple a statement as any, but the logic of it shattered the moment, it was true, a king could hardly judge how to defend against something that was a complete mystery... but more importantly, the tone that ashe had used made it clear he was going to do it anyway, this was more of a formal notification that gave his father an oppurtunity to spin it in favor of the crown, rather than have him discovered as a closet wizard at a later day and crush his viability for being a leader. This was essentially Ashe's first moment of actually manipulating the course of his own life by 'his' choice. After that, he seemed to become more and more capable of making it 'his life' without seeming that he was being selfish or turning away from the kingdom's future needs, he's supposedly found the 'sweet spot' where he could enjoy life and use himself to make a better future for the kingdom as well. Nobody expected he'd actually turn down the succession when the time came, perhaps he'd just gotten to used to his current status quo and didn't want it upset without 'actually' coming to rule, or perhaps there's some other motive behind it that he dares not share with the public. Either way, it happened, he turned down the succession and pledged to help his little sister make the kingdom a better place in any way he was capable... at time he didn't make it clear 'which' little sister he was reffering to, but he made it sound as if he mysteriously 'knew' which one would take the throne. This aside, he has dug himself deep into the kingdom's secrets as best he can, quite intent on knowing about as much as possible to best plan how to handle things. as well, he has 2 mysterious close 'friends' that he meets with on a daily basis 'at least', and to this day many of the guards wonder why they never see the pair entering or leaving the castle outside the company of the prince, though he tends to simply refer to them as Corvus and Mirum. He has also taken to wearing 2 personal rapier's on his person just about anytime, even with 'fancy versions' for formal affairs that don't specifically demand they be removed. These 2 are mainly going to do nothing in the RP unless their specific skill sets i have in mind come into play =3 it may very well never even happen XD but just consider them NPC's for the time being. Name- 'Corvus' "Cor" Age- ?? Looks to be in his 20's Gender- Male Race- Human Occupation- 'Confidant' of Prince Ashe, subject to update Appearance- [Hider=Image] He's slightly shorter than the prince and strangely always has a bird of some type with him. [IMG][/IMG] [/Hider] Personality- He tends to put himself off as a friendly and smiley individual with a skill and love for birds. Magic- Unknown [but probably XD] Abilities- The only actual skill he's displayed publically is an unusual aptitute for bird calls and 'signals', though it's speculable that he's quite the diplomat due to his pleasant demeanor. Weaknesses- Unknown [don't worry, there's some XD] History- Nobody knows, aside from that he meets with the prince on a very frequent basis. Name- 'Mirum' "Rum" Age- ?? looks closer to his 40's Gender- Male Race- Human Occupation- 'Confidant' of Prince Ashe, Subject to update Appearance- [Hider=Image] He's a very tall man, at about 7 feet, always wearing his odd hat. [IMG][/IMG] [/Hider] Personality- He often mirror's Corvus' pleasant demeanor, though he's a bit less 'friendly' and much more 'indiscriminately flirty', a bit rogueish even... though after a few blazing glares from her 'big brother' he began to refrain from doing so around the new 'queen to be'. Magic- Unknown [But Probably XD] Abilities- The main skills he's shown off are with being rather skilled at making other people enjoy themselves, he's even known to have organized a small party in the castle once, on behalf of the prince of course! Weaknesses- Pretty people, hint hint. History- Again, nobody knows, aside from that he's very frequently seen with the prince.