The everlasting war between between the gods let people suffer for centuries. Hordes of monsters, mindless minions, dragons and many other of the most horibble creatures in existence was only part of the chaotic sight that one could see through the devastated land of Rozerfast. What saved the world from its impending doom was the intervention of Bezel, the God of Balance, who sacrificed his life, sealing the Gods' powers into his own heart, then locking it away. Prosperity followed the end of the war, but it was short-lived. Half a century later, the dark wizard, Mongrel, released the Gods' powers once again, signaling the beginning of a new war. The only hope humanity has, is to retrieve Bezel's heart and resurrect him in order to stop the war. Many warriors tried to fulfill this quest, but to no avail. People started to wonder if there was any chance of survival at all. Would there be someone to save the world, or the end was imminent? Hidden in the forest, there is the small town of Grevstone, a place where many warriors rest between the travels, sometime even deciding to spend the rest of their lives there. In the small, smelly inn of the town, you can find some of the bravest warriors, sorcerors with untapped potential, young street thieves and even people who aspire to be heroes. This is where a heroic journey begins and a legend is born.... ---- Gregor, the fat, scarred inn keeper had quite the unusual guests today. Apart from the usual mercenaries, who regurarly come and drink as far as their pockets allow, there were some peculiar figures visiting the inn today. Among them was a dirty, heavy-odored individual with ragged clothes, accompanied by what appeared to be an eagle, making it a sight unique to the common man. Another mysterious figure was that of a heavily-armored knight with a strange kind of axe, that gave a terrifying aura around, something that could be easily be dedcuced from the fact that most other customers avoided sitting in a table near him. What balanced the gruesome image of drunken men and mysterious strangers was the existence of a young woman, stranger to the village too, but with an exotic beauty he had never witnessed before. Although the center of attention to many of the drunkards in the inn, she seemed to not be afraid or even bother, giving the chills to the inn keeper who was anxiously messing his beard. The only thing that he considered ordinary, in contrast to all the newcomers in Rozerfast, was Raa Tel'Nimras, or "little Raa" as he was calling him, the half-orc child who grew up in the village, aspiring to be a hero. The large figure or Raa reassured Gregor, because he knew that the young man would not let anyone disrupt the tranquillity of their village, a thing rare because of the new War of the Gods. The thoughts of Gregor were interrupted by the melody of a travelling bard's harp, who sang the following song: "To find treasure, power, fame, Then come on forth and state your name, For I will show you what you seek, In a path bloody and bleak. Make your wish your utmost goal, It's up to you to make the call, To escape fate's merciless claws, The mountain Vargr you shall cross!"