[u]USS Aurora - Near Coruscant[/u] His science officer had drawn his attention to small ships that appeared to be following them. While they appeared to be no threat, he was not prepared to go weapons hot or warn them off - the military capacity here was a total unknown and quite sensibly he did not want to awaken the slumbering beast. Left with nothing else to do, bided his time until they were near the edge of the system - not that it mattered with warp drive but he'd rather be safe then sorry, especially with hundreds of crew aboard. Unnecessary risk was not a good thing. "Captain do you want me to send a transmission to those small ships?" "Maintain radio silence Kate, for the moment. We'll monitor what happens with the other ships and if need be come back into the system." "You're volunteering for boarding?" "Not on your life." He said matter-of-factly. But if we can establish peaceful relations, that would be better. For now there are a lot of ships around here, and the situation feels kinda volatile." "See how it develops you mean?" "Precisely." For over half-an-hour they maintained course and speed. Not deviation and yet the small insect type ships continued to go their course. It wasn't until someone uttered the comment. "Anyone got a fly swatter?" Laughter erupted across the bridge, briefly. Marcus then brought that to a close when he said....."Trouble is, we might get the same treatment from their ship." A sombre atmosphere followed. "Thanks for bringing reality back with a thump." "No problem Commander." A wry smile alighted the corner of his features. It was all a waiting game now.......