Open --- Okay, first, what are my rules? 1. Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 2. Post... semi-often? Like at least, once every week? 3. I do MxF, FxM or FxF. (Sorry, MxM lovers. You may consider it hypocritical. It probably is.) 4. I choke on my own vomit when I see obvious spelling and grammar errors. 5. I like to talk. Alot. Even if I'm not posting, I talk a lot. Be prepared to chat. So, be prepared to discuss things by IRC, Skype or some form of instant messenger. That generally helps to keep up my/our interest. --- I don't have anything right now. So suggest something to me. Or I'll make things up. If you want to see what I can write, refer to my gallery [url=]here[/url].