[b]High King of the Aldmeri Dominion Aelid Sillonor 1st of Sun’s Height Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Dominion.[/b] The High King knew that something was amiss as soon as he returned to port. He had found the Lord Admiral out at sea with a few others ships, and it looked as if they had been in combat. Yet worse than this, as he arrived at port he found people screaming and general panic beginning to spread through the city. The Lord Admiral Orthos and several sailors approached the High King and his Order, and knelt. “What is happening here, Orthos? Why was the Lord Regent not on the Throne?” Aelid asked harshly, furious at the mer for allowing such a thing to happen. Yet Orthos kept his head bowed and spoke as well; “I do not know what is wrong here, Your Grace. We received reports that the Yokudan would prepare settlements on the coast of Valenwood, and I found this insulting that Men would come to try and take the homes of Mer. Not only this, my King, but I believed that they would use this coastal region as a further naval launching point to invade the Isles. I was forced to make a decision, and took the fleet to blockade Valenwood. However, I changed course and decided to take Stros M’Kai from the Redguards, so we too may have a launching point for invasions. See how they like the threat.” Orthos spoke quickly and with obedience, curious as to his King’s reaction. The youthful mer seemed deep in thought for a moment, obviously troubled by such news. He then turned to Dobin. “We must head for the Palace and restore Order to these lands, we will deal with the foreign threat later.” The Lord Protecter nodded to Aelid and took point, beginning down the panicked streets towards the Throne. The Order surrounded and protected both Aelid and Orthos now, and soon they came upon a group of slaughtered Thalmor soldiers near the gates. The King would turn to speak with the High Justicar Aldra of this, but only then noticed that she had disappeared during the chaos. He had little time to worry for her though, and pressed further in until they soon reached the Throne Room. Inside they found a handful of Renshi Agents who appeared to be setting up a perimeter around the Palace and sweeping the vicinity for threats, though they knew not what for. Aelid saw the corpse of the Arch-Mage Nelron, dead on his stomach near the Summer Throne. Near him appeared to be a younger Altmer, leaned against a wall. He would look to be a Renshi, as the dagger in his stomach was of their Order. Orthos approached the broken window near the Throne and looked out it to what had caused it. Far below he spotted the corpse of Justicar Revin, having fallen to his death and landed upon the very same thorn bush that his co-conspirators had huddled around in the garden, when hatching their schemes. The Lord Admiral had never liked nor trusted the Justicar, and felt relief at his death. The High King resumed his position on the Summer Throne and spoke to the near-trashed Throne room; “Where is the Lord General?” His words were harsh. “The Lord General and New Arch-Mage said they had tasks which required their immediate attention for the good of the realm, Your Grace.” Spoke one of the Renshi. “And what has happened here?” Asked Aelid, hoping the Renshi would know. “The Lord General believed it to be some kind of violent Thalmor uprising. He thinks they tried to seize the Throne while you were away at the Summit, Your Grace.” Spoke the Renshi once more. “Blasted Thalmor! I knew their extremist ways would cause something like this.” Cried out Aelid, furious at their betrayal of him. He hoped Walden would serve them Justice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Lord General Walden Estermont of the Renshi 1st of Sun’s Height Grand Hall of The Thalmor[/b] The Lord General was flanked on both sides by several of his top Renshi, valuable blades that he knew he would need for what was coming. They had walked briskly down the streets of Alinor, the light of the sun now reflecting red light that looked like fire and attributed further to the anarchy. He approached the Grand Hall of the Thalmor and pushed the doors open, finding the hall to be filled with several of the Officials. Walden recognized one of them as part of Revin’s Inner circle. “Don’t slaughter us you barbaric Man. We have already issued the Thalmor soldiers in our possession to stand down. Roughly 90% of our total forces. We had a sentinel witness Revin fall from the window into the garden, and the High King has returned just as we launched our scheme…” The Thalmor of the inner circle spoke, Walden realizing him to be the High Overseer of the Thalmor, a position almost as prestigious as High Justicar. Walden was intrigued by all this, as most of what he had was speculation. “Where is the High Justicar?” snarled Walden to the High Overseer viciously, his anger over the pointless death of the Agent Aiden still fresh in his mind. “She has fled into the mountains of Eton Nir with the High Chancellor, the third and last of our conspirators. She thinks she can still claim power from you, though I see we have lost. I decided to stay behind and lead the Thalmor surrender. Or at least, for what I could.” The Overseer spoke calmly. Walden slammed his fist down on the table, furious at the escape of Aldra and the Chancellor, as well as what he could only assume was a fair amount of Thalmor troops. He turned and left the Hall of the Thalmor with his Renshi, ordering several Dominion soldiers to garrison it instead. From what he could tell, the Dominion would restore Order by nightfall and had control of the Realm. The Thalmor Extremists had fled to Eton Nir, where they would face Justice soon enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Arch-Mage Valina of the Arcane Society 1st of Sun’s Height The Crystal Tower[/b] Valina was exhausted beyond words, and sleep called her name endlessly. She knew she was drained, but continued on regardless. She felt numb after witnessing the atrocities in the Throne Room, and could barely recall the memory. She felt as if she was submerged in an ice bath in her mind, and she was thankful for this. She had work to do. Fleeing from the Throne Room, she had stopped only to collect the baby Mane from its holding place in the Palace before she would go to the relative safety of the Crystal Tower and the Arcane Society. Her chambers were on the fifth and highest floor at the moment, though they were still rebuilding. She had placed protective ward over ward on the door, as well as placed two Mages outside her door. Just in case. The Mane was in a small wooden crib near her feet, not so much a prisoner as being babysat. After what she had seen with the Transfusion Ritual that Nelron had left her, she knew now the spell she would have to cast to take control even of the smaller of the two moons, and it required the blood of a Mane. She shuddered slightly, unsure if she could go through with this, but decided it wasn’t her decision. She would prepare the ritual, as was her job. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b] -High King has returned to the Isles! -Thalmor surrenders to the Dominion -Thalmor Extremists flee to Eton Nir -The Arch-Mage prepares to sacrifice the Mane. [/b]