Spain's lips twitched in a rather malicious way when France began half leading, half pushing her through the throngs of people, calling out in that annoying holier-than-thou voice that she was like some old lady who needed to sit down and take a breather. She inwardly fumed as she let him lead her onto the train, the smirk on his face pushing her to a resolve as she waited for Prussia to get onto the train and France to sit down before stomping on France's toes with her heel. Hard. And with a good twist for added pleasure, while muttering a rather foul word in her native tongue under her breath. "That, is for treating me like some needy, faint-happy old granny," she snapped. "And for that, you get my feet." With an unceremonious flourish, she flopped down onto the seat, picking her feet up and plopping them straight down into France's lap. "That way I can sleep with my head in Prussia's lap, and I get to rub my dirty shoes all over your pants." She stuck her tongue out at France for further insult. "Anyway, wake me up when we get there, I'll be out like a light in a sec." She was very fast at falling asleep, no matter where she was. She remembered her boss waking her up with a scream while she had her feet propped up on the couch while the rest of her lay on the floor watching TV upside down. His panicked face at thinking she was dead had been hilarious. --- Vatican set the fork down, the ravioli gone as South Italy covered the container again. He listened to her complaints silently as he thought. It was hard seeing her struggle, and not be able to help her. He knew very little of friendly relationships, so with all the confiding South Italy was doing, he had little to show for her in support. "Perhaps she likes touching you because it's her way of showing affection," Vatican mused quietly, unconsciously tapping the fork against his knee. "Or she knows you will overreact time and time again." He let out a small sigh, his shoulders slumping. "They might not realize how important you are, since you are so closed off from them. You put up an aggressive, cold front that they choose to ignore you in favor of keeping their heads safely on their shoulders or pester you because you always react viciously. Your brother has all the political power, and is more agreeable in temper, so they simply go to him rather than dealing with someone who works mostly in the background." The tapping on his knee increased as he fidgeted nervously. "I-I'm not much of a help to you in this. Maybe you should relay your feelings to North, and see if you can be incorporated into the politics alongside him rather than behind him. I cannot give you any help. I wish I could, but I...don't really have much say in anything either outside my home, and I don't desire to interact with others as much as you do. I'm sorry..."