Briam stood at a table, his axe leaning against a nearby beam. While he would have much rather sat down, considering how uncomfortably heavy his bulky armor was, he'd recently found out that the seats weren't quite as durable as what they were supporting. Nonetheless, Briam didn't mind too much about the having-to-pay-for-the-chair issue nor the lack-of-seating situation, as long as he could still get a glass of whatever(often just fruit juice; Briam surprisingly has the worst tolerance to the other stuff), he was fine. As Briam sipped his fruity beverage, he heard a song start up. He didn't pay attention to most of it, but tuned in at the last two lines. "Hmm," Briam thought to himself. "This sounds dangerous and foreboding!" But then, Briam wasn't necessarily a stranger to danger. He was also wondered what Mount Vargr looked like; perhaps it looked nice? Setting his glass down, Briam announced, "I accept thy quest, bard!" Grabbing his axe's handle, he looked around and asked, "Who shall join me?"