As the ship exploded with activity, Moray would see one the Vox Officer turn around, advanced cybornetics covering most of his face. "Sir, we are receiving a vox... It's in the Emperors tongue." he said. "They claim to be from an "EDF" and are offering assistance... And sir... They're human... The scans confirm an entirely human crew aboard." Moray looked at the ship... It looked old... But it definitely had Human characteristics. His heart seemed to come down from the near heart-attack level of beating. "Thank the Emperor..." he sighed. Kurn looked out at it. "Perhaps we were not the only ones affected by this Chaos God." he said. "I will meet them personally in the hangar." he said, walking away towards their docking facility. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Hangar[/b] In the Hangar, ready and willingly welcoming any other true sons of The Emperor, Kurn stood, he had wiped as much blood off of his Terminator armour as he could. He was accompanied by Grumm, his Ogryn Bodyguard, standing 2 clear foot taller than the already giant Kurn... Several Cadian Guardsmen stood with them, several nursing open wounds, the Lord General simply scowled at them, Around them, the Techpriests swarmed, seeing to any of the machines that needed healing. "Stop being babies... You had a run in with a Chaos God, nothing that a good stiff upper lip shouldn't see you through." he said. "Do we know anything about these humans?" "No, but there ship wasn't bearing any chaos icons, so we should take that as a good sign." replied Kurn. "We... Smash good?" asked the Ogryn. "Only if they turn out to be heretics." said Kurn. "Look, we don't know how long they have been trapped here, so the sign that the Emperors finest are here to help them should be comforting for them." The Lord General looked at Kurn. "Indeed, milord." Kurn then noticed the outside of the Lord Generals trouser leg turning red as what appeared to be blood was running down it. "Lord General, you're hurt." he said. "It's nothing, milord, I'm not going to go crying to mummy dearest, just because some heretic got his claws in me... No, i'll see this meeting through, then pass out where the Father Beniiel can treat me." he said. Kurn couldn't help but have immense respect for the General. Most would be passing out at this point... He would make sure to always have a job for him, that way he knew that the General would never allow himself to die until every one of his duties were fulfilled. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Bridge[/b] Admiral Moray eyed the encroaching triangular vessels. "Sir" said the Vox Officer. "They are telling us to stand down and prepare for inspection... They are also ready to assist... Also full of humans." he said. "Curiouser and curiouser..." he mumbled. "Very well... Tell them to go to the starboard hatch." "I will meet these people at the airlock." said a voice that made the Admiral almost jump out of his skin. he looked around to see the Inquisitor and his aid, the Witch Hunter. "I am more interested in the many, than the few... And anyone that thinks to order around a member of the Ordo Malleus should be prepared to face dire repercussions." he said as he walked towards door, followed by the hunter. As soon as he was out of earshot, Moray grumbled. "Thinks he runs this vessel..." he grunted. The Imperials would be met by the Inquisitor and his Death Cult around him, with a few Tempestus Scions at their flanks for good measure, a show of force was what was needed.