[quote=InfernoBlaze] The thoughts of Gregor were interrupted by the melody of a travelling bard's harp, who sang the following song:"To find treasure, power, fame,Then come on forth and state your name,For I will show you what you seek,In a path bloody and bleak.Make your wish your utmost goal,It's up to you to make the call,To escape fate's merciless claws,The mountain Vargr you shall cross!" [/quote] As Veyas entered, those were the first things that crossed his ears. He kept his Eagle, Milo calm, he didn't much like closed spaces like this. After eventually letting Milo out, Veyas moved steadily to the musical man. A music man was not a normal sight for Veyas, nor was a forboding message within a song. "Great man of music, what do you tell of?" Before the man could answer there was yelling from nearby, a man in heavy armour and an odd weapon, axe but not really axe at the same time. Veyas's gruff voice rose, "I of the forest joins that of the future on thy quest! Any more taking danger!?"