Caden cast himself away from the Venator-class Star Destroyer computer systems via its communication system and on to the next ship in the line, while at the same time examining the inner workings of a baker’s dozen other ships. Here, in the ocean of electromagnetic waves and computer systems, he was the shark and they were his prey. The vast majority of the contacts within scan range of the Icarus had primitive security counter measures, even on their most sensitive data. Enough to keep out a determined organic hacker, but he was far from organic. Ship and weapon schematics, crew rosters, system controls, this was his playground. Spending little time on each ship, often less than a second. Caden sifted through massive volumes of data, assessing and tagging the ships based on tonnage, estimated threat, cargo, and other various filters. Information streamed back to the Icarus systems via low band transmissions and other hard to detect forms of communication. It’s like they have no security at all Caden felt a sense of amusement as he brushed aside yet another poor excuse for a file wall. Some of the contacts were not so easily penetrated, either by being alien in design or having very heavy security. These vessels were unlike anything else on scan and Caden place a high probability that they had been pulled to this galaxy from another one the same as the Icarus. A large, saucer like craft hogged the vast majority of his internal clock cycles in an attempt to break truly astonishing encryption methods, the only information he had managed to pull from the vessel was its name and class. USS Aurora, Constitution Class. The other ship, a large, seemingly organic star craft Caden studies with sensors only. He had made a brief; millisecond long connection with the ships systems before withdrawing the fragment of himself to the safety of the Icarus, something...else inhabited the living computers of that ship. “Caden, Report” Caden heard the captains order via one of his numerous fragments, this one monitoring bridge systems and ceased his covert intrusion attempt of the saucer shaped class. Return the majority of himself to focus on the bridge of the Icarus his hooded avatar appeared to the bridge crew. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The bridge hummed with activity as reports streamed in from all over the ship, as Captain Caber had predicted, the damage to the ship was mostly superficial. Repair, replacement, or restart of damaged components progressing quickly as maintenance crews swarmed over the ship. The light damage to the outside of the ship would have to wait until the ship’s immediate vicinity was secured for EVA crews to do their work. The situation inside his vessel becoming clearer, it was time to see what lay beyond the titanium walls of the bridge. “Caden, Report” The Artificial intelligence appeared, hooded and glowing, in the holotank in the forward bridge. “Yes Captain” Caden waved his hand and a holographic representation appeared over him, a large planet surrounded but numerousness marked spheres, triangles, and a few squares. “The Planet, which I have determined to be designated Coruscant or Imperial Center, has 274 individual space platforms of various sizes within active scan range of our sensors. The vast majority of these contacts seem to be civilian in nature and are unarmed, most of which seem to be fleeing as quickly as possible” above his head, the circles disappeared from the holo. “The remainder of the contacts are military in nature with these 11” 11 of the triangles started flashing red “being the largest threat to this ship, they have been given the designation Venerator class star destroyers, which does not bod-“ The AI was interrupted by Weapons Officer Scott. “Sir, I have no Idea what a turbo laser is but if Caden pulled the spec’s right these things could do some serious damage” The AI Seemed slightly annoyed at being interrupted but continued unperturbed. “Quite” Caden nodded “The remaining contacts are unknowns and cross referencing information gleamed from foreign ship systems, I believe they are not of this galaxy, the same as we are. I will forward all information I have gained on these ships as well as the most relevant military threats and information to your terminal captain. Caber nodded, then pointed at the largest ship currently on the viewport “This one, there doesn’t seem to be any information on it” Cadens avatar flickered in and out of focus for a split second, the AI equivalent of a shudder. “I was not able to access the systems of that vessel, something “ He paused “wrong, lurks deep within that ship captain, I advise extreme caution” Caber took the advice to heart, seeing a seemingly all-knowing AI spooked got him a little spooked as well. “Filter and forward all relevant data to where it would do the most good” He trusted the AI to do that much “now let’s talk about these imperials, what do you have on them” Caden waved his hand again and the technical schematic of a Venerator class star destroyer appeared, rotating slowly over the Holo tank. “While I have pulled numerous Astronavigation and star charts from the foreign systems, it will take time to adapt them to work with our mode of faster than light travel, which the peoples of this galaxy seem to have a different form of. Given the overwhelming odds against us, I suggest we comply with this empires current demands and devise and exit strategy at a later time” with a snap of his immaterial fingers, the holotank dimmed. Caber sat in silence for a moment before deciding on a course of action. “Wendak” The AI appeared “Inform the imperial flagship we will comply with their search demand but state that their warships are to advance no further toward us and they send an unarmed shuttle to be escorted by two of our single seat fighter craft, any deviation from given course will be seen as an act of aggression” The AI nodded silently and both of them flickered out of existence, preparing the message. Caber stood “Operations, arm the security detachments and put them on full alert, Have a company of ODST’s meet me in the aft docking bay, Lieutenant Kim, you have the bridge” He turned to walk off the bridge before stopping and turning back “Unpack a company of mantis walkers and have them moved to the aft docking bay as well, Major Raza, I have need of your…people skills” The Major smiled reminding him of a predator before they both walked of the bridge, accompanied by the majors two bodyguards.