[center][b]Milo[/b][/center] Milo just kept his face covered with his BoS helmet he couldn't take the horror on peoples faces when they saw he was mutant, especially the kids, the very kids who used to run to him and play with him now ran in terror seeing his face. There were a select few who still knew he was just like before, just bigger but even they seemed uneasy near him, because of this covering his face is always better. When people can't see the face they assume he's a big guy, or an android, some even just assuming he's all bot, but all these were wrong they would never know Milo was a mutant. Lumbering along, he followed directions to the old car shop, run down and beaten, a good place for Sprinkles if Sprinkles wasn't with the Brotherhood. As he entered the building he saw a collection of people already here, a human in Power Armour that had to be an Enclave variant since they are the only others with Power Armour, a human in combat armour with a white and red patch clearly medic, a human cowboy pretty much, and one other mutant big guy. --- [center][b]Sprinkles[/b][/center] Sprinkles followed Milo through town, even though the children ran away when he ran up to play with them, and the adults threatened him Sprinkles loved being in this odd place vibrant with people. As he walked through the town, nothing stuck out to him so he just kept walking until they entered the run down car shop. Here he saw everyone, his first reaction was running to one person then the next to play with them.