Eighteen. There was eighteen of them. Stupid probes. Corporal Ross scowled as the Covenant advanced on McCoy's pod. They appeared curious, though moved with obvious caution. From what he could see, it was mostly Jackals, Grunts and a few Elites. Cannon fodder, with a few special troops sprinkled in. Shouldn't be too hard, providing McCoy didn't- Patrick flinched as the front door of McCoy's pod blasted from it's position. The aliens opened fire, and for some stupid reason McCoy wasn't shooting back. ... Oh, weapon manfunction. Yeah, that would do it. McCoy was pinned, and the Covenant were advancing towards him. Anders and Tenjer were on the opposite side of the street, and from the looks of things they were providing a bit of covering fire. There were too many though... And with all of their focus on the ODSTs, getting McCoy out was going to be an issue. He glanced behind him as another Pod opened behind him, noticing the Commander moving down the street. He frowned as she dissapeared down an Alley. [i]Leaving us alone... Really, ONI?[/i] Corporal Ross shrugged and turned back to the firefight in the street. The Covenant hadn't noticed him yet... That'd be great if he had a proper long-range weapon. A shotgun at this distance was about as useful as a wet slap to the face. Anders and Tenjer looked like they could get some proper shots off if the Covenant weren't as focused on them. They needed proper cover, or a distraction... He reached up and plucked a flashbang from his combat harness, peering around the corner again as he switched on his squad radio. "Throwing a flashbang! Cover your eyes and ears, people!" Without waiting for a response, he yanked out the pin and hurled the grenade towards the Covenant. It bounced along the concrete, coming to a stop near one of the Grunts. Patrick pulled away from the corner, waiting for the burst of light and sound.