[center][img]http://1uimg.fotoat.cn/image/show/2013-5_u2-635042446300671641-73BA8C755993DE0A10CAE47884596CA4/618_0_s.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Eyes][img]http://www.personal.psu.edu/afr3/blogs/SIOW/green-eyes-people-with-green-eyes-24760259-768-1024.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]~Stands at 4'6~ [i]"I'll be strong so you can be weak."[/i] Allen and "Alec" Romman 10 Anxiety, Schizophrenia, He has mind abilities. He can read thoughts, induce illusions, project his thoughts and at time, persuade a mind to do what he wants. Allen- shy, reserved, insecure, hesitant, kind, meek, scares easily, blushes a lot "Alec"- out-going, loud, hyper, loves teasing his brother, brave, courageous, has a quick temper. Allen grew up in a broken home that had very little money. His father was gone most of the time and the only bright spot in his life was his mother. Unfortunately his mother passed away and he was left broken and depressed. His father remarried soon after. Allen's step-mother was abusive to him when his father was away. There were many nights that Allen went to bed hungry. One day, his step-mother was especially angry because they were low on money and she took it out on Allen. As he lay there, broken and bruised, he retreated in on himself and "Alec", his "brother" was born. Whenever things get too hard or too difficult for Allen, Alec takes over.[/center]