[center][i]So many people....[/i][/center] Dozens of students had gathered into the courtyard and a sense of unease had began to set roots into Kwes. He always enjoyed Reuben's speech, even if he didn't pay attention half of the time to what he was actually saying. It was just refreshing to hear him talk about returning to school as if it were the start of a grand adventure. After all, isn't school just a grand adventure designed to teach students lessons along the way before they are thrown into the real world? Still, Kwes couldn't shake his discomfort and even Raccoon, Kwes' trusty familiar and ironically named friend, began scratching along the edges of his backpack. Which was strange since Raccoon was usually quite well behaved. [center][i]First day of school and I'm already uncomfortable.[/i] [b]Sigh[/b][/center] Kwes walked out of the meeting without much ado and began trekking towards the cafeteria, taking a less than conventional route that seemed to wind like a spiderweb through the academy grounds. He noticed that many of the students began clumping together in social clusters but Kwes had never been very popular and found himself walking alone towards the cafeteria. He didn't know whether that upset him or not. He would of preferred some companionship to talk to but talking leads to questions and Kwes wasn't sure if he was ready for questions about his summer. So instead Kwes walked towards the cafeteria, alone with his thoughts. Perhaps someone would join him, perhaps no one would. He wouldn't know until it happened so there was no use worrying about it. Unknowingly, he was approaching the cafeteria at the same pace as another KingsRidge student, Rylan Amalia Keenan. It would be up to chance now if the two parties would converge at the cafeteria at the same time or if another student would meet Kwes before then. Since the path that he was talking was awfully desolate, Kwes felt comfortable enough to let Raccoon out of his backpack and light up a cigarette. The nicotine calmed his nerves and gave him a false sense of a relaxed state, something that he desired deeply. Inhaling the toxic fumes deeply into his lungs, he sighed again and felt the smoke depart the same way it entered his lungs. Many wizards had a distaste for any product designed by Muggles, and cigarettes and other substances were especially frowned upon by the magic society and banned on school grounds. Not that it bothered Kwes very much, he just had to be careful when he indulged in his vices. Raccoon trotted along Kwes like a well trained beagle, sure to alert his master if another person was detected following them. [center][i]Perhaps this year won't be too bad buddy, perhaps not.[/i][/center]