Benjamin Teague let out a suttle yawn so not to insult the headmaster had he just happened to be looking Ben's way. Benjamin actually liked the speeches every year it just was that this year Benjamin's parents took him to India the week before school for vaction and he happened to be still jet lagged. It was then he stood as Mr. Grayson finished his speech and made his way toward the exit down the middle aisle. "Nice to see you again Mr. Grayson." Said Benjamin as his headmaster walked by. He wasn't answered directly which was fine as he saw almost every other student, new and old, try to converse with their headmaster. Once Mr.Grayson finally left the auditorium Benjamin tried to follow suit, but not before being held up by some kind of unseeable raucus. Once in the halls he was free to go to the cafeteria where they were serving breakfast, and boy was he hungry. It had to wait though. He wanted to get his familiar first, a turtle named Michealangelo. He wouldn't want the little guy to miss out. Benjamin cut away from the rest of the pack of students and headed for his dormroom. He had arrived a minute later. opened the door and was greeted by his and his friend Thom Grimm's stuff. On the bed to the left was Michealangelo's tank with the "Lil' Dude" inside sunning himself under the UV lamp that Benjamin had charmed to come on and off according to actual daylight hours. Lifting the turtle from inside it's habitat it sort of squeaked in disaproval. "Awe now, you hush or you aren't getting cricket brittle after breakfast." The threat certainly quiet the shelled reptile as Benjamin moved toward the cafeteria again. As he walked the halls he passed pictures of past students and teachers, trophies for quiddich and dueling, and awards for all kinds of academic acheivements. One day he hoped to have his name on one of those plagues or trophies. It was five or so minutes of walking that had passed once he arrived outside the entrance of the cafeteria. There he just so happened to see Kwes Powers about to enter. Benjamin hurried his pace and rose his voice, "Hey Kwes! Wait up!" A few long strides later he had caught up with his fellow house member, "Man did the summer fly by or what? Good to see you again." Ben extended a hand to shake, "So how was your summer? Anything cool happen?"