name: sven antenor Age: 16 Gender: male Apperance: [url=;_ylt=AwrB8pAkbb9TzCEAfQeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzdXNzZTJnBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM0ZWZlOTE3ZWU3ZDM3NjFjYjQ3MGQzOWI2ODRjNjcyMQRncG9zAzMyBGl0A2Jpbmc-?] sven [/url] Personality: very gritty and talkative, but kind hearted and sweet in the long run. Happens to be dumb but can easily admit it. enjoys fighting very much Ability: the ability to spread disease to people as well as spread spores from his hands and force parasites on people. Bio: born a dumpster baby sven picked his name from a boom he was read by a woman who took care of him until succumbing to a starvation thanks to giving all her money to feed sven. Slowly building with age sven started restoring to crime to calm down. Unfortunately he was constantly getting caught making it harder to turn. When he was caught at the wrong time he was given powers. He then turned to fighting crime, as he knew he now had a chance to tun himself around.