25th Midyear 4E, 205 Raven Rock, Solstheim "By the order of the King of Morrowind, Solstheim, and all of its settlements, must be evacuated in response to this new disease." A royal messenger sent by the King says to the populace of Raven Rock. The citizens were restless upon hearing the Cyrodiilic Disconnect spread on Solstheim, it was the Blight all over again in their minds. Every Dunmer started to evacuate the island properly, while most of the most of the Skaal remained, to protect the land. The evacuation didn't take long, but it did exhaust all of the resources the island had. Meanwhile, as the evacuation came into completion, a certain group of Dunmer, specifically those affected by the disease, remained on the settlement, tied up together by the town square. "By the orders of the high priests, and the king himself. All those affected by the Cyrodiilic Disconnect are to be executed to contain it from spreading." says one of the Ordinators sent to round up the sick. None of the affected civilians complained or resisted, rather, they were crying and shouting the names of their loved ones before being set ablaze by the Ordinator captain. "May your ancestors welcome you to their side, pure and untainted in soul." --- [u]Ildoryn Sarano[/u] 29th Midyear 4E, 205 Tear, Morrowind Tear, the former capital of the House Dres. It used to be filled to the brim with slaves and rich Dunmeri merchants seeking to exploit the city. Now, it serves as a military stronghold against any Argonian advances from the marshes. Redoran garrison patrols its walls day and night, while Telvanni mages maintain the magical barrier protecting the city from a siege attack. For the Dunmer, it was the worst place to be stationed on, to watch over Tear, was to watch over Morrowind, a simple mistake, can cause a downfall of the province. "My lord, its for you" says a Dunmer messenger carrying a letter written in Akaviri. Ildoryn expected the Akaviri to come a week later, having their presence here, means that Akavir isn't going to waste its time idling around. "Have my men ready, we'll meet them at the docks." Shortly after gathering his men, Ildoryn, along with his escorts walked towards the dock where the Akaviri flagship [i]The Qianfeng[/i] is at. Ildoryn was seen to be wearing the ornate ebony armor he wore for the summit, while his guard detail was clad in Dwemeric armor, given to the escorts of important people in Morrowind. Ildoryn was amazed at the sight of the flagship, not only was it massive, but it was built finely. He wish he could envy the Akaviri for having such fine ships, but Morrowind has no use for them. "I'm Ildoryn Sarano, Commander of the Ashland Armigers, and keeper of Tear. My king has ordered me to accommodate your people, so please, use our facilities here to your liking while your supplies are being restocked. The city hasn't much to offer due to its militarization, but I'm sure you'll find some of the services we have here... worthwhile." says Ildoryn without showing any signs of amazement from seeing a Tang Mo. He spent his time on Akavir befriending and slaying a few, seeing one now only brings back memories to his mind. ---- 1st of Sun's Height, 4E 205. Narsis, Morrowind "Are the men ready to move?" says the captain of the Armiger's 5th Chapter. The aide nodded slowly, while the hundreds of men stood on the field, along with the other chapters members belonging to the Ashland Armigers. The soldiers appeared to be well equipped, with reinforced bonemold armor protecting their bodies and Guar mounts carrying the officers. None of them showed any signs of faint discipline, even when the captain turned his back on them. "Well then, we march, have the second, third, fourth, and sixth chapter follow us closely, the first are already waiting for us in Kragenmoor." While they marched westward, the other chapters moved north and east, going to the respective locations the supreme general ordered them to. ---- 3rd of Sun's Height, 4E 205. Pralovis, Morrowind "...and just like that, I'm going to Orc city.." grunted by the Telvanni Magelord upon reading the letter from the Telvanni Council and the King's office. She wasn't really pleased with moving her entire citadel into Orisnium, but if the King says she has to, there's nothing really much left to do. She wanted to disobey the orders and stay on Pralovis, but sooner or later, either the Ordinators or Sentinels would come knocking on her door. "Doblic, gather my slaves and have them prepare my Silt Strider... I'm moving to Orsinium." ---- [hider=Actions] - Sosltheim evacuated by its Dunmer residents, along with some Skaal villagers. - Ildoryn meets up with the Akaviri forces in Tear. - 5,000 Ashland Armigers travels to the mountain ranges to meet up with the 1st chapter army. - Telvanni Magelord begins her journey to Orsinium. [/hider]