Raa's statement was what made Gregor understand that the dirty, ragged man was Veyas, his cousin, a young man who had left the village some time ago to live in the wilderness. The changes he witnessed were enormous, explaining the fact that he couldn't recognise him. The youngsters' amazement to the bard's story made the aged inn keeper smile with their vigor and energy, even though it was just a song created for amusement, or so he thought. On the other hand the mercenaries and the other warriors gathered in the inn started laughing ironically to the response of the small group of strangers and the two cousins. "Get out of here! This isn't the place for people who believe in fairytales!" were the words of one of one of the more drunk mercenaries, who didn't hesitate to throw his mug of ale to the small group, luckily hitting the heavily-armored man, thus not hurting any of them. The man's actions were followed by more mugs, plates, chairs and other object, turning the not-so-quiet inn into a small battlefield. The bard swiftly approached the group interested in the story and handed over a letter to Vreyas, in which he wrote: "I am glad that you followed your hearts and saw further than all the others. If you are not afraid of death and want to achieve greatness, find me at the rock bridge out of the city. There, I will give you the directions you seek. Bezel's oracle, Erwin."