Ntombi loped beside Gin until she caught up to Amaya, strolling next to her with her hands buried firmly in her pockets. Her dreads bounced a little with each step as a grin crept up on her; she always enjoyed being in the presence of someone who found her completely insufferable. Made her look a bit like a better person, you see. "Now we're all bundled up here together doing whatever the hell it is Amaya wants to do, let's talk about tonight, eh?" offered Ntombi for a while before launching into her own plan. After all, she didn't want to be completely unprepared for tonight. "As you're about to find out, at least, I deal with poisons. I can probably give you two some to put on your blades, so long as you tell me what type you want. And...judging by the way Amaya was lovingly stroking her swords, I bet I'm the only one ranged. So hey!" snapped Ntombi cheerily, shooting a teasing grin at Amaya. "Looks like we'll be unfortunately parted tonight for a while, anyways." "But hell, I'm not the smart one here. Time for you two to pull your damn weight instead of making me run around the base like a dog; what do you guys think we should do?"