[center] [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/L_zps2e190d19.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/L_zps2e190d19.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name[/b] Slade Darkholme, goes by S [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] Slade has a very thin and lanky frame, weighting 110 pounds and standing about 6'3 feet tall though he slouches most of the time. He has pale skin and messy black hair. His eyes are coal black and have dark bags under them from a lack of sleep. He normally wears baggy clothes to big for him and under no circumstances does he wear shoes. [b]Personality[/b] Erratic, cold, robotic, distant, emotionless were all words used to describe Slade through out his life. He doesn't seem to be able to understand normal emotions, or he just doesn't care to try. He doesn't yell, laugh, cry, smile, or frown. He walks around with a constant blank face and speaks with a monotone voice. He is a full scale genius, his IQ measuring off the charts. The only times he tends to talk is to correct people. He is an insomniac, spending most of his nights reading or on the internet. But where Slade is withdrawn and calm there is another side of him that is cocky and outspoken, though if one can really say this is side is truly his. [b]Ability[/b] [I]Telekinesis[/I]- The ability to move and manipulate objects with his mind. [I]Telepathy[/I]- The ability to read the thoughts of others and to project one's own thoughts to others. [b]Bio[/b] Slade was born to one of the world's most renowned scientists Raven Darkholme, he had no true father as his mother was artificially inseminated. He was raised to be a child prodigy, having some of the best tutors money could buy. He was constantly tested in his mental faculties, everything from schooling to playing classical music, he was never aloud to socialize with others of his own age as his mother thought they would be a distraction. Though it all did pay off as he became a bright young mind with few equal, unfortunately it left him with very little sympathy for others and a rather dark out look on life. It also caused him to develop the need for a friend which he did in the form of a split personality, the personality took the name Wilson Manchester. He believed his intelligence entitled him to whatever he wanted so he began using it to become a one man criminal empire, dealing in things such as hacking and bio terrorism. His crimes became so harsh that he landed on a America's and most of Europe's most wanted lists under the name S, which had used as his calling card. But he was eventually caught in a large scale sting operation, he only escaped the death sentence by being offered a spot in a experiment. -------------------- [URL=http://s1369.photobucket.com/user/jordanlair5/media/4_zps3be193e5.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag231/jordanlair5/4_zps3be193e5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name[/b] Wilson Manchester [b]Age[/b] 17 (developed when Slade was ten) [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] Lanky and slim just like Slade, but he doesn't slouch making him stand at his full 6'3 height. When he is able to take hold of Slade's physical body he dresses in a black trench coat, black military fatigues bottoms, and black combat boots. He also wears a sleeveless shirt with the Union Jack on it. He has gone so far as to cut Slade's hair and even pierce his ears. [b]Personality[/b] Wilson is almost everything Slade isn't, he is cocky, smug, inappropriate, and a loud mouth. He says anything that is on his mind the second it comes to him. He doesn't hesitate to get into a fight, he even starts them most of the time. Despite his ruff and gruff attitude he still holds the staggering intelligence of Slade, though he rarely uses it. They may be completely and utterly different Wilson is still protective of Slade, seeing him as a brother. [b]Ability[/b] As they are in the same body he has the same powers as Slade [b]Bio[/b] Wilson came about when Slade was ten do to the child's subconscious desire for a friend. He was in fact everything that Slade was taught was useless in the world, rebellion against authority, boldness, etc. Ever since he has served as Slade's companion, taking over ever so often for the actions Slade couldn't do himself. He even gave Slade ideas when Slade started his criminal life style. When they were taken into the program Wilson did his best to hide his existence from the scientists, doing so to prevent Slade any further tests, but he also found olut do to the powers they were given he could now further interact with the world around him. [/center]