My CS: [hider=Syral Kiera]Name: Syral Kiera Gender: Male Race: Drell Age: 35 Weight: 168lbs Height: 6'2" Weapons: M-76 Revenant Assault Rifle, Black Carnifex Hand Cannon, Silver Appearance: [img][/img] Syral is large for a Drell, being of a slightly wider build than most of his kind and noticeably taller than average, but is still fairly lean when compared to a human of his height. He wears a small vial of water around his neck, apparently actual water from the vast oceans of Kahje, the Hanar homeworld. He has a large scar in the shape of a D carved onto the flesh of his back. When on the ship he wears a black leather jacket with an N7 insignia on the back with a dark green t-shirt underneath, with quite slim black trousers and black combat boots. When in combat he wears a charcoal black suit of Kestrel armour (sans helmet) with turqoise trim and a pair of targeting optimisation goggles with turqoise lenses and charcoal black frame. Personality: Unlike Drell raised under Hanar tutelage, Syral is fairly outspoken and even quite foul-mouthed when he wants to be. He uses language colourfully and expressively and makes friends quickly, possessing a self-confident and slightly sarcastic manner of speaking. He is however impatient and finds it difficult to think of the big picture, preferring to see positive results of actions in the immediate future. In combat he is impulsive but creative, finding alternate ways to defeat the enemy, possessing a good mind for operating under pressure. He has a problem respecting authority, and is quick to speak if he disagrees with a plan on moral grounds or on tactical grounds. Whilst he is outspoken, he has trouble talking about difficult memories, knowing that at any second he could slip into an eidetic memory and relive it all again. His biggest flaw, however, is a deep innate fear that he'll fail the people who trust him, this makes him second-guess himself in important decisions whilst on a mission. He also, uncommonly for a Drell, has a pronounced distrust of the Hanar, believing them to be robbing his people of their culture, whilst being unconsciously very disconnected from the culture he speaks of. Class: Vanguard Powers: Biotic Charge, Biotic Punch, Barrier, Biotic Cluster Grenade (Carries 3), Marksman, Fitness, Advanced Armour Biography: Syral was born 15 years after the Reaper invasion of Earth to Dyren and Sila Kiera, Drell operatives working underneath the Hanar sent to monitor human culture. It was a difficult birth that led to his mother being very ill for several weeks, but she recovered, though she alwaysseemed weaker to Dyren after that point; more fragile. Only 2 years after his birth his father finally fell to Kepral's Syndrome, a problem he had been keeping from Syral and Sila. The death was sudden and unexpected, giving Syral an early understanding of mortality, far too early. His mother became even more reserved after that, she rarely left the apartment, the Hanar state sending a generous sum of credits for all of Dyren's work. His mother scoffed at this, claiming they forced him to do dangerous, often immoral work out of a sense of cultural obligation. Sila instilled this attitude into young Syral. At the age of 4 Syral started in public education. The school he attended wasn't really the best, but he excelled at the studies of history, finding the human history pre-space flight fascinating. He also excelled at reading, becoming the proud holder of the top reading level in his class. This, as well as his race in an otherwise all human school, isolated him from the rest of the children somewhat. They were welcoming enough, but he could always tell (even at that age) that they didn't really trust him; hell, even their parents had probably never seen an alien in person. He did make two friends, though. Sara and John, fraternal twins. They sat with him the second week and began asking questions about his culture, inquisitvely, enthusiastically and politely. He gladly told them, and eventually the three were inseperable. This friendship lasted into their early teens, the three attending the same Secondary School. They occasionally visited him at his family's apartment, though his mother was always vaguely distant and unwelcoming, letting the children get up to their own affairs. One day, she confronted him. Just after they left after having come over for dinner, she picked him up by the collar and held him against a wall. She railed at him for thirty minutes, screaming about how he wasn't one of them, about how he's forgetting his true heritage and becoming a human with a Reptilian complexion. Syral ran away from home, the only place he thought to go being John and Sara's house. The family knew him and welcomed him, and him and Sara in particular became closer than ever. Her older brother Stephen didn't like this one bit; their grandfather had been a soldier in Cerberus, and he felt Sara was disrespecting their family by associating with an alien to such a degree. He cornered Syral one day with a kitchen knife whilst drunk, saying he was going to brand Syral. When Syral asked what he meant, Stephen said it was a piece of advice. "Don't fucking do it". He was going to carve it onto Syral's back. He had only finished the D by the point Syral snapped and used his biotics to slam Stephen into the opposing wall, breaking his arm. They didn't speak to him after that. Stephen claimed Syral attacked him in a fit of "alien fury". Syral didn't even try to explain the misunderstanding, but Sara could see through it. Shortly after this event, Syral was taken to a Biotic Training Camp, fitting with an implant, and taught the military way of life. He learned how to use his powers offensively and in conjunction with other weapons, it was here he discovered his eagle-eye, which more than made up for his average Biotic ability. He graduated from the camp after a couple of years, and immediately signed up with the Alliance, having finally found a place he was accepted unconditionally, the Alliance more pro-alien than ever before having survived the Reaper crisis due to race cooperation alone. It was unconventional for a non-human to join the Alliance, but the N7 program during the war had opened its arms to multiple races, so of course the Alliance had followed suit in special cases. He was deployed on a variety of special operations, each a satisfactory success, until a raid on a Weapons Plant ran by the Blue Suns mercenary group. He chose the wrong course of action in his eyes, choosing to sacrifice hostage's lives for Alliance interests. Whilst he was awarded for this, the guilt weighed heavily on his soul. He's spent several nights sleepless replaying the moment in his memory over and over, the look of fear and hysteria in the eyes of the hostages. He was offered a place on the N7 program and he gladly accepted, hoping it would be a fresh start for him. It was. Syral managed to impress the right people, because he was awarded N7 status. The crown jewel of his accomplishments was freeing a new "danger vacation" hotel on the border of the Traverse from Vorcha raiders, there only being one casualty out of two hundred guests. He was given a choice: gain a position of command in the Alliance Fleet, or be requested to be put on the Spectre program. After a day of soul-searching he chose the Spectres, being sick of having to answer to those who valued results over lives. A few weeks later he was assigned to the Normandy SR3, a symbol of hope for the declining Galaxy.[/hider] Edit: Fixed text formatting and put the CS in a hider to make scrolling through as non-infuriating as possible. (: