Vida made her way through the thicket with the others. The adrenaline flowing through her veins was enough to keep her from feeling the pricks of the branches on her bare legs. Her eyes stayed locked on the people that escaped the van with her. She didn't want to be outside at night all alone. It didn't scare her as much as unnerve her to be stuck in solitary. It was one of the reason why she had her cats with her in the cats. As she was running she noticed her vision starting to blur and a cold feeling sweeping over her body. Sweat billowed on her brow though. She was cold, but sweating. Everything was starting to become fuzzy all around her. As her adrenaline at it's limits already? She was still conscious enough when the group stopped to halt herself. The strength in her legs gave out sending her to the ground. She laid there for a moment before she pushed herself up on her hands and knees. Her stomach was killing her, her body was shaky. She could feeling the itch on her back becoming stronger now. It bubbled up into a burning sensation. Then she felt it. It felt like bugs under her skin crawling to get out. Her stomach convulsed and she threw up what was left in her stomach from dinner. The bugs kept moving in her back. Vida reached to her back to feel where the bugs where. To her shock her finger slipped over one hole in her back. Her hand instantly removed itself and went back to the ground. "Shot.." She said to herself. "I've been... I've been... I've been.." She started to hyperventilate. Six. There were six bugs. No. Bullet wounds. The blood could clearly be seen on her tee-shirt. Her mind raced after realizing what had happened to her. Was she going into shock? Was she going to die? She stared at the pool of vomit that was under her. Sweat dripped back her face as she stayed there thinking.