Katsu marched in and saluted the waiters and waitresses. He walked over to their stall and pulled a chair. "By the way, you guys can't have any," he said with a snide tone as he put the box on the table, his hands pinning it down. He looked over to Jack and smiled apologetically. "Sorry I was kinda harsh earlier. I was in a bad mood. Sometimes I just need a break from the Night Raid." He leaned back in his chair, pulling the package onto his lap. "Sometimes I wish I'd never joined..." Grunting, the boy rubbed his forehead. He had really been damaged by the time he'd spent with the Night Raid, killing fathers and mothers... He would always let the kid live but Hei wouldn't have it. If they were [i]targets[/i], he would either have someone else do it before Katsu could protest or do it himself. Katsu always tried to convince himself that he was doing the right thing, even if it meant becoming a murderer, the ultimate sacrifice. But no... He could never make himself actually believe these words. He always knew that he was just selfishly slaughtering people, making himself much more guilty than his targets. "So... Jack, right? What drove you to join our group of psychos?"