An old rustbucket of a Volkswagen Beetle puttered up to the school, the exhaust pipe spitting out less than healthy amounts of carbon monoxide. Right after the engines let out a horrible clanking noise, the vehicle shuddered to a stop, just shy of the parking space. A muffled curse escaped from its driver, and the door flew open. From the car, emerged Madison Cordell, his hair even unrulier than usual. Standing there in his grey v-neck and jeans, Madison simply stared at the car and hoped that through sheer willpower, the engine would come back to life. It was actually kind of ridiculous. But then again, he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind. For starters, all he had for breakfast was cold, leftover chicken nuggets and a swig (okay, more than a swig) of vodka. Unfortunately, whoever perpetuated the myth of how drinking even more alcohol would cure a hangover was dead wrong. And the pounding in his brain was only aggravated by the sound of Pavlov's barking. The Rottweiler was scratching at the back of the seats, seeming like he wanted to get out of the car. Obviously, this wasn't a problem since the door was open, but he didn't seem to realise that. "Alright, buddy." Madison sighed, crouching down and tugging slightly at Pavlov's collar. "Let's get you out." [i]Woof.[/i] "C'mon, we don't have all day." [i]Wooof woof.[/i] The conversation would go on this was for an additional five minutes before Madison was finally able to coax Pavlov out of the car. Slamming the door shut, he made sure to keep an eye on the dog as he got his belongings out of the trunk. Now normally, Madison would have left Pavlov with his siste while he went to work. But this year, she picked the [i]perfect[/i] time to go on vacation. Sure, he could've left Pavlov back home, but to be honest, he was actually a little bit scared of what his violent, old harridan of a landlady would do. With Pavlov's leash in hand, and his bag slung over his right shoulder, Madison began to make his way to the main school grounds. As a cold gust of wind hit him square in the face, he was suddenly thankful he chose to wear a plaid button-up with jeans instead of his usual v-neck. Having spent most of his life in Tampa, he really wasn't used to any type of cold weather. But, the wind did have a positive effect of waking him up a little and making him feel a little less shitty. So, that was a good thing. Looking around, Madison spotted a few familiar faces, and some not-so familiar ones. Both teachers and students alike were milling around the area, probably since the Headmaster's speech was over. [i]Wait, shit. Was I supposed to go for that?[/i] Madison's brow knitted for a moment, as he tried to recall whether it was compulsory for staff or not. But he just as quickly realised that there was really no point in worrying about it, and he continued on his way. As of right now, he didn't have a set destination. Briefly contemplating heading to the cafeteria to have a proper breakfast, he swiftly quashed that idea. With his head feeling like it was about to explode, Madison didn't really fancy being in an enclosed space with a horde of raucous teenagers. Finally settling on the activity of sitting down and doing nothing, Madison located a steel bench off to the side of the courtyard. Pavlov trotted after him dejectedly, flashing literal puppy dog eyes at his owner when he sat down. Clearly, this wasn't the Rottweiler's idea of fun. The whole situation earned a smirk and chuckle from Madison, as he moved to unclip Pavlov's leash from his collar. Faster than lightning, Pavlov bounded off in a random direction. Madison was sure he'd have to drag him off some unlucky freshman sooner or later, but for now, he leaned back in his seat and just watched.